I personally think they should have kept the way he teleported and that many people will stop doing the vault
I strongly agree. Maybe they could keep the random aspect in hard mode? Keep normal mode...normal.
First post I have ever done on here and it is to agree with the fact that the development team stated let's make the raid a team objective. What team objective takes away the ability to strategize your team. Looks like I will just stay a level 29 and say screw the raid. Team work was there it allowed those with the right weapons to be utilized the right way. But no they want to stick to " raid will take you at least 6 hours to beat" Who has that much time on there hands to sit that long with 5 other people to play a random selection process to beat the boss. It's it's anything like the engram selection we are -blam!-ed!
I think it good they did that now you have to know all aspects instead of being carried through.