Agreed. I finally completed that grind fest of a bounty and got it on friday. Same day I purchased Suros from Xur. There is no reason to ever use that weapon in place of Suros. None. 15 round magazine = 5 shots; of which 3 have to hit nothing but head to kill. That means you have to make 3/5 bursts critical to achieve 1.5 kills per reload. The full auto doesn't help you at all, as the burst rate of fire shreds your accuracy and generates an ungodly high right pull for constant fire. Low impact = shit pve and decreased pvp performance. Chain of curses might be good, since if you are amazing you'll be able to chain kills in pvp without reloading. In pve have fun with your gun that reloads every 2 seconds when you fight anything with a shield or god forbid you bring that shit heap to a weekly strike/nightfall/raid.
Chain of curses is amazing... When doing patrols or grinding resources. But in any serious strike or pvp, you need to be spot on accurate, which is suicide as standing in place to long to be that accurate just means death.