Yesterday, I took a full group of new players to VoG into the raid Some had greens and some had blues, but all I know is that they were rejected out of it by groups because of gear etc. I led this group to atheon and downed him in 1 1/12 hours. I was the only one with prior knowledge of the raid and it was a group of randoms from the forums. But it isn't as hard as everyone thinks and I don't understand why people are acting so outrageously towards others in the LFG forum for VoG. Honestly all people need is guidance. Try being a little more helpful to improve this community :3 Extremidies out!
Hardest thing with the raid for me at the moment is to not lose my sanity over the lacks of raid gear drop, made a second warlock to raise my chances, got around 14 cleared raid activity between my two warlocks, still haven't got chest or shoes pieces. Starting to really feel the frustration building at this point. I enjoy the game and running the raid, but the RNG can really be utterly unfair in this game, saw a guy get 3 different raid pieces in one run, was quite jealous of that guy's luck that day.