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Edited by TrinaryDusk: 10/25/2014 4:20:22 PM

To all those complaining about males playing females...

I've seen threads of the like since I first went through the forums, and it seems like some people find it hard to understand that the reason behind it is that there is a possibility. It's as simple as this: If I can have a sandwich, why not? If I can have a coke, why not? If I can have both, why the -blam!- not? I'm really curious about why this disturbs people so much. Like, seriously. This is not a dating site, so don't expect a female avatar to be a female, and don't expect a male character to be a male. It just doesn't work like that and shouldn't ever work like that. Games are the worlds of possibilities. In a game, especially in the open ones with character creator, you can be whatever you want. And that's great. There is no need to make your in game avatar similar to you in any way. If you want to, you can, obviously, but there is no need for that. Lots of people play games to inmerse themselves in a totally different world than theirs. They don't want to be the rutine-absorbed mcdonalds worker, or the test-stressed student. They want to inmerse themselves in a different reality- and the best way to do that is to empathize with the character without feeling that you are the character. You know, like those paper things called books. That's one of various reasons. Some people find the male models of this game not really appealing. I have to agree, yet I love how my awoken looks. Some other people believe the tale of the smaller hit box. Others simply like better the female figure. And all of these reasons are equally valid. So, I'm really asking you: why do you feel so disturbed about males playing as females? You are free to answer [i]in a respectful way[/i]. If you are going to: - Mess about their gender identity/expression in a harmful way - Say things like: "Cause all 'em wanna be trannies m8". You can say that you believe they feel like women in their innerself, but tranny is pretty much offensive. - And, in general, be rude Your comment will not be taken into account. Basically you can say whatever you want without being rude. Not that hard uh? SO: If you've read this far, thank you. If you are going to be rude, leave. If you are going to be nice, treat yourself with cute kitty pictures. Edit: I forgot to say this: There's those people that say "males should play as males. They have gender problems if they don't boohoo". Well then, following that rule humans should play as humans and as nothing else, if not they have species related problems. Yet, I see no one complaining about people playing as exos/awoken. Edit 2: When I said I wouldn't take rude comments I was not joking, I swear. Not by a second. Edit 3: Comments saying that suicide is tha fault of the one comitting it are counted as rude, and therefore I will not take them into account.

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  • I play as a male because I like to try and make my character look like me to get into it. As for others idgaf what anyone else is doing rofl

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    5 Replies
    • I am a male and I have two female characters. I like having different stories. My male Awoken is a loyal subject to a queen who refutes him, yet he will never stop working to earn her favor. My female human huntress is out for blood after remembering parts of her past and how the darkness killed her family and consumed the man she once loved. My awoken titan female.... Well, I've not thought of her story yet.... but hey, it's all about the stories you make with your characters that matters.

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    • I am a female, and play as a female when possible because, as someone stated earlier in the thread, a lot of times I don't have a choice and I have to play a male character. Which is fine, and doesn't really bother me, but given the choice, I like to be a badass female instead of a badass male. But she rarely looks like me, so in that way she's not representative of me. And I never choose human if given the choice to be something else. The fun of games is that we get to escape reality for a bit. So if you get to choose your character, you don't always have to make a digital version of yourself. Be the opposite sex. Be a different species. Sport a blue mohawk and a face tattoo. Whatever. I don't see why it should matter to anyone what avatar a person chooses.

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      2 Replies
      • Edited by ariesdragon123: 10/24/2014 1:38:33 PM
        I'm a female and every single game that gives me the choice, I default to female. Not because of some loyalty to the sisterhood or as an expression of myself. But because most games force me to be a guy. I don't mind and have been gaming since I was a very little girl. I had the turbografx even, which is a system most don't even remember. But I liked the space pinball on that more than I liked Mario, although that seems like the opinion of a dumb kid now. If you're a girl gamer, you have to get over the idea of the avatar representing your sex really quickly or you'll play very few games. So for me, it's actually a bit weird when a guy feel he needs to justify playing a girl character with assertions that implies he wanks it to his avatar. Like why do you need to go that far to prove your masculinity? I'm sure way less guys made it for that reason (although I'm sure some really did to have something sexual to stare at) then those who assert that they did. Since I've noticed a lot of guys are just better competitively, they just are. And they certainly couldn't be if they were staring at the their toons backsides all the time rather than focusing on situational awareness. Isn't just "I felt like it," enough of an explanation? And why do so many other guys give guys crap over playing female toons? It doesn't make you seem masculine. It makes you come across desperate for a girlfriend. At least, imo. It's not like you're dating the other person, so who the hell cares? Just shutup and game.

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        10 Replies
        • Its fun to make female characters for 2 reasons... Sexual innuendo names... And telling party members i wont put out if they -blam!- up. This is a game you retards.

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        • Hate it when I send a dick pic to a female avatar and then I get one in return. [spoiler]joking[/spoiler]

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          • Because I would rather look at a female than a male. Simple as that.

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          • Those females have big round titties, so why shouldn't I play as them?

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            2 Replies
            • Honestly, I have a huge problem with playing a female character (as a dude) and I don't know why. I'm not sexist, I'm not ashamed of my masculinity, I don't even notice when other people do it. But for some reason, I can't do it. I have actually avoided games because of a main female character and no option to play as anything else. Is anyone else like this?

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            • Very simple I find girls attractive so I made female characters. As a guy I don't want to look at guys so I play a female character in games if at all possible. If you have a problem with guys playing girls ask yourself "have I played tomb raider? Or any other game with a female lead?" If you have think twice about condemning men for playing girls; you have.

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            • I played a female in the alpha and beta and couldn't stand her whining and moaning every time she fell off of rock higher than 5 feet so went all male toons upon release. My buddies have female toons and I'm sick of hearing them whine and moan next to me every time they get shot or fall off a ledge.

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              4 Replies
              • Anyone taking a degree or course in gender studies needs to peek in on threads like this. Fascinating stuff.

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              • I play two female characters because I like the added challenge (obviously weaker) [spoiler]just kidding[/spoiler] I play a male exo titan because I think a robot should be the only one to have the strength of a titan, and I'm slightly disturbed with the thought of robot boobs.

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                • I kinda dig the pain moan they make.. makes my junk get a little tingly

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                • Awoken female dance. *unzips*

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                  • Edited by Okidre: 11/3/2014 6:27:53 AM
                    Anyone complaining is a hypocrite if they have Tomb Raider in their trophy list. [spoiler]I do and that game was great. I also have 2 female characters because i wanted something different/better dance moves.[/spoiler]

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                  • The game would be very dull visually if we only saw males in my opinion

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                    1 Reply
                    • Preach!!!!!! To each their own and you should play as you please. Just dont assume if you see a female player or someone playing with a female character, that they are looking for anything else than to play and enjoy the game. People need to stop spamming female players with game invites and PSN friend requests because you know what...... it blocks my -blam!-ing radar when you do it!!!

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                      • Dem robotic boobs. Yolo

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                      • Who cares? This is not interesting

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                        1 Reply
                        • Totally agree. I haven't started a female character yet but may later on. Then I'll be so pretty! Lol j/k

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                          1 Reply
                          • I spend way to much time browsing these forums and I can honestly say that I've never seen one thread bashing dudes playing female toons. Maybe in #offtopic (too much like WoW trade chat there so I stay way)? Is it maybe more of a case of you wanting it to be an issue so you can pontificate?

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                            4 Replies
                            • It's because these idiots hit on people with female characters so they get pissed when it's not actually a female.

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                              13 Replies
                              • Edited by WARCOLONEL: 11/2/2014 11:05:55 PM
                                Characters have a much different feel aesthetically than male characters. Sometimes guys get tired of playing beefcakes. Plus most female guardians look better in my honest opinion.

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                              • because i dont feel like playing as male all the time. plus my lvl 30 hunter gear looks aweomse on my female hunter and stupid as nuts on my male one. i also like the dance of the females. and i was like why not at the time so yeah

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                              • I actually am going to make my warlock an awoken female because of the lore females as an awoken are held higher than the males and I feel like the awoken look like the Mage types to me

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