why is it so difficult to find people actually willing to help and just have fun with? so what if you wipe a few times, shits n giggles ... and to people saying it's because they don't like wasting time , guess what? you're playing a game! you already are wasting time!
what happened to just playing for fun, why is it being replaced by "i can do it faster" or "i have more kills!"
it's co-op , yet seems many people forgot what co-op is :(
Edit: My faith in online gamers has been restored ! thanks to all the wonderful replies! and hope to see you all online guardians!
Man I have some amazing clan mates that helped me through my first vault of glass run. They were all lvl 29 yet they took the time to help a buddy and I run VOG on normal. They spent 3-4 hours teaching us all the mechanics and showing us all the hidden chests. It was largely a "waste of time" for them but they were happy to help for the sake of just helping us out. I've also had clan mates help me with parts of exotic bounties. I've also helped people finish off their thorn bounties 3 seperate times now. The helpful and those that wanna play for fun are out there. Unfortunately it's the whiners and negative-Nancy's that you'll hear from in the forums 99% of the time