why is it so difficult to find people actually willing to help and just have fun with? so what if you wipe a few times, shits n giggles ... and to people saying it's because they don't like wasting time , guess what? you're playing a game! you already are wasting time!
what happened to just playing for fun, why is it being replaced by "i can do it faster" or "i have more kills!"
it's co-op , yet seems many people forgot what co-op is :(
Edit: My faith in online gamers has been restored ! thanks to all the wonderful replies! and hope to see you all online guardians!
I think.. I may have seen you before. Feel free to add me. PSN is Redemption19k
Good point to bring up for this game. I see similar behavior, but I think it has to do with the psychology of the game development. By that I mean that this game is designed in a way that makes most players not have any reason to do more after acquiring "everything." For instance, most people that have been playing a lot since launch such as myself have "all" the loot-or the fruit of the grinding and missions, and have done certain things (especially the VOG) "too many times." Once getting everything from VOG and it being a very tedious (sometimes) quest, especially getting a proper group dynamic going it can really be exhausting. To not get anything from a dungeon I've run about 50 times on multiple characters can seem pointless when thinking too hard about it, which can happen during a repeated process such as shooting the exact same things in the exact same environment for so long. Most people that would normally be willing to help just see it as repetitive, unfruitful and dreary to go though a raid or strike they just did on their own time. This is just my reasons for not wanting to help someone in the raid specifically, for an example. I would like to help some friends more than I have...its just the game's "Looking out for #1 attitude."
I dont mind helping people, I liked doing drive-by buffs etc in MMOs i played. However: I am not going to scan the forums for people needing help, adding them as friends on PSN, wait for them to go online and discover that they want me to hold their hands through the entire story mode. Nor am I going to accept friend request from random strangers who happen to notice that I have nice gear. If Destiny had provide some way of interacting with people ingame to say "LFG to nightfall", "need help with devils lair", "stuck in story mode" etc.,then I would have been all over it. But as it is now, it is too cumbersome. And no offence, but I dont want half the Destiny population in my PSN friend list, it is hard enough to manage as it is.
Random invites aside, keep in mind it's a two way street. You need them to help you get through the content and they need you to be focused and competent. I'm hearing a lot of "messing around" terminology which rubs me the wrong way. Screwing up is one thing cause you're learning. Messing around seems purposeful and is just extremely inconsiderate to the people actually trying to progress through the content; whether they're experienced or trying to learn. Remember, these experienced players are doing you a favor; you need them far more then they need you. Go in and make a strong impression of skill and competence and you'll see friend invites come your way as well as have your friend requests get accepted. Being a raid virgin is not an excuse for not doing your homework. I'm not talking about gear as much as going in and saying "I don't know anything about these fights".... That's just sheer laziness. Being familiar with the mechanics minimally makes you aware of what's going to happen and the general tactics you need to use.
I always find myself in the tower getting invites for the vault of glass and I've helped more than enough people I believe but I still do it for the joy of hearing them go "Yeah I got the achievement!!" Or "I got nothing that's bullshit". I went into the most rag tag team and no one would cooperate until I smacked down my hand on their petty faces and decided to get them to go do something other than complaining. It happens allot honestly. It makes me smile knowing there are more people like myself out there though. I feel quite lonely helping people with no one even saying thank you after haha. I hope I run into you Guardians.
I have two personalities: Raid when I have work in the Morn. Raid when it's a Saturday. (Sunday's off) If you want me to help you through a raid any other day than Saturday, I shall. But if you take more than three hours killing Atheon because "Te Relic makes my butt too big," then I'll have to throw down the law. If the Relic makes your butt look big on Saturday, though, it's hilarious. XD I mean... XD
I'm always helping people complete VoG on normal... I think now I have 3-4 different raid groups that I help run the vault with. Even if I already get my rewards for the week I'll still jump on to help them out
I help all the time but this doesn't mean I find it fun to wipe. You may think you're wasting time but I don't. Its a hobby for me and frankly, if you don't care about my time, I won't waste it on you. Like I say, winning isn't everything but the will to win is. It's fun to be with people completing the raid but not with people like you.
it is not fun carrying players who lack skill or mental aptitude im sorry
thank you for saying exactly what i am feeling!
I feel sorry for raiders looking for help. The VoG changes will make it almost impossible for them to find a reasonable group to carry. Not many people will put up with the randomness and impatience now
Cause they are getting too old and they don't allow video games in the nursing home.
This new generation is very self-entitled. They have grown up/are growing up in a society where things are handed to them. They have been bred with the expectation that things are equal and therefore lack a lot of the qualities of other generations as far as competitiveness and respectfulness. (Not to say this applies to everyone or that they are "worse" or "lower" in any way, they are just different.) We are studying this in school, it's quite interesting.
Edited by Uriyaal: 10/21/2014 6:56:05 PMyou can thank and attribute all that to Call of duty and its fans. and probably Xbox live and there community. which seemed to be bad pretty much with CoD and any version there off. And possibly the stupid ass achievement system.
Edited by MaRTiaN PRieST: 10/21/2014 6:49:13 PMI was doing the Raid with 4 friends and a randy once and while me and my friends started to explore he left, I guess he didn't want to join the rest of us on our adventure and figured we were wasting his time.
No matter what situation I'm in, if I see a fellow Guardian in distress I will try to help, if I can arrive in time!
I found a couple kind souls on Sunday through the forums that actually spent an hour with me to bring out Xyor the Unwed. They both already had Thorn, so literally they just helped me for no reason. We wiped a few times. Good dudes.
I helped a random guy from the tower kill Xyor the Unwed yesterday. Thought the party/game invite was from putting an ad on an lfg list, but once he started talking to me and said he needed help with Xyor I decided wth I'll just help him out.
Hard to comment without patting yourself on the back.... I'll just say one of the many rewarding features of this game (opposed to many console games I've played) is helping randoms. Even something simple like pointing out and not looting chests until others in the area arrive. A couple days back, this lead to assisting a random with the final part of the Thorn bounty. Even escalated to the point where the two of us couldn't handle it, so a friend joined in. Guy was real appreciative saying he's been trying for two weeks to beat it and hasn't been able to get anyone to help. Took an hour or so, but ended up being worth it to me.
need 1 player that hasnt downed VoG for normal VoG ^_^ helping new players down it
The Destiny community has definitely been the friendliest bunch of gamers I've ever seen in any game. Not once have I jumped into a group or invited a random only to listen to them rant and rave like a lunatic. Sure I've had a few that can get overly excited, but when they're hoping for a Mythoclast who can blame them lol.
Well no chat with random players really hurts.
Glad to see there are still helpful gamers left, speaking of which I'm looking for 2 spots for the VoG. Have a team of 4, 27 or 28 all with mics, either never played, or never completed the raid. Looking on PS4, Raid is planned for Sat Oct 25th at 5:30pm ... Anyone interested message me or respond here
Edited by NathanW18: 10/21/2014 5:20:08 PMI wouldn't say so. Online gaming has been the same since its beginning. You will find a lot of unhelpful and obnoxious people, but there are also some nice people. They can be tough to find. Helping newbies get through the raid is fine. It's actually great to help teach someone how to do it. The problems arise when people don't listen and continue to die, due to it. I can understand why others don't want to take the risk and would rather play with their friends. Fun for some people is succeeding and doing it in an efficient manner. That is probably not going to be the case with a bunch of newbies. Also, there are hundreds of videos on YouTube, telling and showing you how to do the raid. Every single part you will experience is on YouTube. There is no excuse not to at least know a little bit about the raid. People are taking time out of their day to show you how to do it. You can do a bit of homework in preparation.
I love helping people... add Riderofapoc on PS4.... as long as ya aint an annoying kid... im good to go!
Looking for new inexperienced raiders. I am taking a group of people that havent downed the raid into VoG and helping them down it. if you want in let me know!