originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
starting fresh msg overgrownroom on xbox must be 29+ must have mic
Could a sunsinger plz push atheon off I have the cp but can not for the life of me do it plz message gt: UNFORGIVEN AGE
Need help with raid
Looking for VOG raid lvl 29 Titan strike/def. GT same as name
Doing raid on hard must have headset,must be 29+ message me my gamertag is WarrantedMango9
Wondering if anyone would let me get the ATHEON checkpoint on hard or normal. Gt: INVISIBL3 KILL
Looking for Anton who has one spot at atheon save plz message UNFORGIVEN AGE I'm a 29 hunter
Save before aetheon 5 people needed message Chief Mellow
Got Atheon save for reg done it tons of times on all 3 of my players using my 27 hunter group I was with couldn't kill Atheon cuz of the random teleports which is sad cuz it's easy so let me know if you need some1 I'll help
Looking for a raid group to help me with hard 29 hunter
Need 2 more people for VOG hard must be 28 or higher
Looking for VOG group on hard must be 28 or higher message me my Gamertag is WarrantedMango9
]Lvl 29 hunter w hard mode completed before and relic experience gt same as name[/quote]
need 3 more for hard raid msg for invite GT TonelessMilk576
Need 4 people for the raid! I have the atheon checkpoint! msg me GT : VxG NePO
Edited by EvilChrozonX: 10/31/2014 10:44:56 PMLFM for VoG hard fresh need 4 people gt is the same (level 29+)
Need help hard mode raid three slots left gt krma replay
Looking for Atheon checkpoint or fresh start through, lvl 28 or 29 hunter depending on the helmet I wear, gt is xVxMetaxVx
I got a way to push Atheon off the edge add me if you want to see how same name I'm on 360
I'm a level 30 hunter looking to do the nightfall strike or beat Atheon on hard. Must have mic! GT portiand grown
Looking to do atheon on hard, I'm a 30 hunter. GT portiand grown
Looking for Atheon hard checkpoint. With my other helmet I'm a lvl 29 hunter. Gt is xVxMetaxVx . Need it quick
Xbox 360 atheon hard save msg Exotic Deer 9 for invite level 28+ need it push him off
Looking for atheon checkpoint on hard. I'm a 29 hunter with full raid gear. Looking to get rewards from atheon. GT portiand grown
Need 4 people for the vault on hard. Needs to be lvl 29 or 30. GT : VxG NePO