originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Lvl 27 Titan striker or defender. Never tried the raid before but looked at online video guide. GT: A B1ack Guy 412 I Have experience; completed all of the other game modes.
Lvl 28 defender Titan Never done the raid Gt: XxSilkyMitsxX
Level 26 Titan striker xXFreshXxv11
2:30 pm eastern not a good time for me maybe 3:00 or 3:30 eastern
Lvl 26 ( high) Warlock GT: LSDBrooks
(Gt) REFLEX M0NSTER [Hunter Lvl 28] and I beat the VoG 2 Time
Lvl 28 Gunslinger Gamer tag CAMFAM53 Online On the weekend
Lvl 28 Titan Defender all Legendary and exotic equipment.
Lvl 29 hunter GT: lvl 86 squirtle I have a mic and will be online mostly all day. Let's Raid
Lvl 27 sun singer, been as far as the Templar. Open almost all day here. Add me on XBL same name.
Level 28 hunter looking to do raid for the first time on normal xbox 360. Have mic headset. Hopefully looking to join someone otherwise I will be hosting one, will post a time if so. Gt same as name
LVL 28 hunter Have a mic Free right now Let's do this. GT: TheTVsHunter
Hi I started the raid I got to the Templar then destiny servers went down and I have to do it again also is there more than one boss GT: SilencedNight11
On the last boss for the raid, but need a full team
Wanting to do raid mdg azcpower
2 spots left
4 slots left join azcpower
Raid with 5 slots open!! Gamertag-KG Muck Fizzou