originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Group of three 27 hunter, 27 titain, 26 hunter looking for three more to do vault of glass for the first time gt: samurai2083
Looking for group to raid vault of glass. Level 27 warlock. Gamertag "Livin n Exile". Looking to start from the beginning.
Edited by Venomized 181: 10/17/2014 5:10:34 AMSearching for raid group for Friday evening 10-17. Lvl 28 warlock with Gjallahorn. Been to last boss but have not played since the update. Would like to play with mature people who communicate well. 360 gamer tag SN95 COBRA R
XBOX 360 raid reg. first time raider looking for a group. Got mic and a lot of time. message PolishHausMafia
[b]lvl 29 Titan[/b] have only reached atheon once and beat him from another players save, never played whole raid through. mic + trying to learn raid. msg gamertag [b]xForTheWin[/b]
Edited by Spartan Killa X: 10/17/2014 1:17:31 AM1st time raid gamer tag is: Spartan Killa X please join I'm a lvl 27 warlock
RAID with 5 slots open now message me at coolstuff2
Looking for Raid, got a save spot for last boss; Atheon
Edited by zeptix: 10/17/2014 12:06:03 AMLevel 29 Titan looking to do full raid no saves I have experience and mic gamer tag is zeptiix
Need a group for vault of glass
Edited by MTFBWY1977: 10/17/2014 12:54:31 AMLooking for group. Already have a lvl 26 warlock and lvl 27 hunter. Gamertag is Spence McIntyre message me if interested.
Looking to do raid on normal or hard. Coldflow 420
Level 26 hunter will be 27 when I get my leg armor. VoG- Did it once and didn't work out to well. Would like to do it with experienced ppl so I can learn. I also just recently got the ICE BREAKER rifle which is very helpful as most would know. Xbox360 gamertag- MURDACHUSETTS 1
Im a lvl 26 warlock and i need a raid team. Gt ghostsniper636
Looking for a team to do the VoG, I'm a level 26 warlock
[X] lvl27 def Titan Looking for group Vault of glass
Edited by Squ1dWaRd420: 10/16/2014 11:22:30 PMLooking for team I'm Leveling my character up to 26-27 I'm a Titan defender well experienced with vault have lvl 28 almost 29 hunter but already did raid on him
Need 4 level 26+, Defender Titan preferable, but not necessary. GT: Epilogy
Hey vault of glass raid on regular level 27 and up please
Need 5 more to help with the raid on normal. Level 26 hunter, reply with GTs and I'll add you
I'm a warlock level 26
Looking to do vog from the start on normal. I'm a level 27 warlock. Any 5 people interested? Comment below with GT and I'll add you. My Gt is EdinSweetDude69
Hey guys can u plz help me with the raid on the Xbox 360 im a lvl 28 warlock need 5 ppl to come help me thx
Level 28 Warlock Raid Completed Twice Good Relic Holder Gamertag: DHG Chimaera
Looking to run VoG on normal tonight anytime after 9 eastern. Lv 26
Plumheartache6 add me I'm a titan