originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Setting up a raid team right now for VOG [4] open slots Add me quick, bskftw Mic only
Level 27 hunter locking for 5 other guys to complete the VoG right now, write name done I'll add and invite you.
Looking for a raid group for VOG in about an hour, [5] slots open. Add me, bskftw
Four slots open for VOG. Add Trevorbot557
Bit early, looking to raid this Saturday, 25th. Should hit lvl 27 by then. PS3 of course, feel free to send friend request. Have mic, mature gamer.
Need people for the raid on normal. Add me xXBugattijohnnyX
looking to put a group together tomorrow around 330 cst need four more. lvl 29 hunter and lvl 29 titan. we have never ran the vault so a experienced player would be nice but will run a whole newb group to try an figure it out while having some fun PSN: mohawkjoe1183
Want to get a group need 5 more people level 27 or higher. Psn:bou_vue I'm a level 28 hunter
Looking for 4 people to do VOG with tomorrow at 1 pm est. Add Trevorbot557
Who can do the raid with me right NOW? Lv 27 warlock name same as here Plz be lv 26-30
Need help with Atheon in the last part of the raid asap. We have 2 people right now. 4 slots open. Currently have a lvl 29 warlock and a lvl 27 hunter. PSN: kevindeniga
Edited by Sherlockk18: 10/20/2014 5:53:25 PMLvl 28 Hunter looking to do the vault of glass first time haven't been able to find a team to run with so never done it. Sherlockk18 add me and let's hit this raid up. I have a mic just looking forward to completing the raid.
26 lock looking to start VOG. Add me sinned--
PS3 Lvl 27 Warlock a Looking to do VoG ...Was just invited to actually complete it got the first but bc my mic was muted and I didn't realize it they booted me ...
Hi we are a group of 3, (26 warlock, 26 hunter, 28 hunter.) looking for 3 more members to join our fire team for vog raid. We are based in Singapore timing, usual play at 8pm sgtime. Please reply to join our fire team if you are interested, preferably with mic. Thanks!
[quote]REQUIRED LVL 26 OR HIGHER, MIC RECOMMENDED comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment Format: Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"[/quote] I need someone with a maxed out warlock sunslinger. Ps3 gt-(soccerm4life) asap
Lvl 25 blade dancer, never done raid and could use help
Lv 26 hunter got save point at first boss if any body wants to help out or join me just add me my psn is the name you see up there
PS3 VoG Normal. Level 25 Titan, have not done the raid before. 4-5 spots open. PSN is Stryckerr
Lvl 26 Titan looking for a group running Vault of Glass. I know how each section of the raid should be handled and can help lead and explain for new raiders. PSN:killtaculor1211
I started a new group thismorning (ps3) and we have 3 people trying to join at the moment. We are all level 25+ and if you would like to join, "The Enforcers of Light" is the group name. it will be made into a clan soon
Level 28 hunter need help with VOG, [5] open slots PSN bskftw
Looking to do VOG any difficulty add gt :kdeer
Doing the raid at the Templar need two people ad thethinginyour
guys i need help with VOG im level 27 hunter i need some people to do it with non of my friends have destiny, i need level 27 and up only plzz help me PSN: ghost_ervin9
Can people come with me to do the raid im a level 26 hunter add me owlpharaoh222