originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
I want to do the raid I'm lvl 27 hunter with mic Psn : magic_poo241
Edited by SIMMBO: 10/27/2014 8:07:39 PMVOG Raid host with (5) open slots. Gatekeeper save point. Gamer tag SIMMBO_ Raiding Tonight 9:30 cst US
Need one more for VoG
Need help with raid. Lvl 27 Titan mic please
Looking for a team for tonight or tomorrow! Lvl 26 Titan defender with mic and some experience. Let's make this happen!
lvl 27 hunter with mic. want to do VOG for the first time at 8:30 est.
Lv26 titan looking for raid party. I have a mic Psn: diab3tic_ferret
Never done VOG. Time to knock this sucker out- need help! chrismj481 lvl 27 Warlock
Need group for nightfall
Lvl 28 warlock mic looking to do vog for the 1st time
Anyome doing vog hard?
Doing vog checkpoint is on atheon experienced players only msg me if Interested 5 slots left
VOG On hard level 29 Warlock Usernames: N_G_I_Perception
Need help to do the VOG first time lvl 28 warlock with mic
Invite me or add me! Looking to raid!
Need one player to do raid add me Epic_Slap_Shot
my friends want to do the raid bad so add me
Ps3 Lvl 29 hunt mic yes chaosninja1994 i have beating VOG before
Hi add me blawhaest first time raid lf any help
Looking to do raid ASAP. Level 27 defender titan. Have completed it a few times.
If you have Atheon Hard Checkpoint for PS3, add me. PSN IS SAME AS USERNAME.
Vog first timer- virgin8r lvl 26 Titan add me :) got a mic
Have 3 people for VoG, need 3 more... Doing it in a couple mins. Add me : POTATOFACTORY
Need 3 for VoG. 2 warlocks and 1 hunter to start in a few minutes.
Any body with a group ready to do vog I'm lvl 27 hunter I've played a bit but don't know much I have my mic on and ready to go add me on PS3 loyal-_xshots