originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Hi all, Im a 29 warlock but never been in vog befor. Ppl here who can help me out?
Anybody want to do some raids? I need help I'm only a level 25 Titan and trying to get better gear but need help with the raids
Ps3 Raid Fresh MadDking16 lvl 27 Need help
Anybody up for weekly nightfall strike add me loyal-_xshots 2 slots left
Need people for raid at 5pm EST if your interested I've played the raid countless of times, reply if you wanna join?
Need 2 more for VOG normal dedicated weekly group currently 4 level 29 .
Need help for THE raid vog im doing it for the first Time im lv 27 Hunter my Name is the psn id
lv 28-29 hunter looking to do raid on hard mode for first time psn :: aero-blitzking also willing to help first timers on normal
Lf3m VOG reg. fresh run. Add psn: trevorbot557
Level 28 Hunter trying to do raid for first time. Need a group
Looking to do the raid, fresh start, psn: Jonny_Vp_09
Looking for VOG team, Lvl 27+ Mic only Full run add me bskftw
im a level 27 titan looking to do the vault of galss for the first time. aslo wanting to complete nightfall strike. on every evening after 6pm. any takers? jaypee21091989
Lvl 29 Titan looking to finally complete VoG PSN: TILMakeEmTap
Doing VoG before reset, lvl 29 Titan here
Add me sk8nking, been thru several times and collect 4 chests not including spirit bloom chest. Lvl 26 or higher
Need someone for the raid on easy. Level 26 warlock.
Edited by CodeDre69: 10/28/2014 12:33:47 AMNeed people for raid and Vault Of Glass Warlock 27 Hunter 25
Mikeisevolving No mic Level 26 hunter Looking for vault of glass or daily or weekly or strikes.
I would like to do V.O.G on normal first time ever doing this need help. I'm a 28 hunter with Mic Psn: Don23bell
Any want to do a vog psn is SARGENTDAVE415 I'm level 26 hunter
Looking for 3 more to do VOG
Looking for 2 more to raid on monday night 8 pm cst. tring to make it a regular group for team activities
Raid every Saturday I am accepting people! Only requirement is that YOU MUST KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING especially at Atheon. Add me: Jetblast55 I will be on at the times in the USA from 12:00 to 8:00 I will kick someone if they don't know or has ever played the raid.
Psn DaniloSantos22 titan lvl 27
I want to do the raid I'm lvl 27 hunter with mic Psn : magic_poo241