originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Raid with experience on normal and hard, however still not beaten either. Always looking for more people to play the raid with. Add wildthingELVIS on PS3. Level 29 hunter and level 28 warlock.
Looking for people to help do the vog with Haven't done it before Ps3, 4 spots, lvl 29 warlock & lvl 26 hunter, mics. Psn: captainjackswole
Lvl 27 hunter, have atheon checkpoint need help, psn is Sledge359241
Edited by StevoRahx: 11/3/2014 8:06:18 AMLvl 28 warlock just joined clan add me for VoG,NF etc. PSN StevoRahx
Level 29 warlock. Looking for vault of glass reg. add Patticus on psn
Lvl 26 titan
Raid: on atheon and need help anyone who knows what they're doing add psn: chargersRb3ast
Raid: need 3 people to help with Atheon check point. Psn: Jacob1123_
lvl 26 titan im looking for a vog lobby I have done it about 10 times soo I know what to do psn: MONEY-STACK97
Lvl.26 hunter w/mic looking to RAID VoG psn: total_creep
Edited by fusionevo8: 11/2/2014 10:54:02 PMStill looking to do VOG. I'm a level 28 hunter. Gamertag: fusionevo8
Need 5 for raid group
Edited by Jacob1123_: 11/3/2014 2:08:45 AMRaid: need 1 more to help with Atheon. Psn: Jacob1123_
Please invite me to your fireteam for a NEW game of VOG - LVL 27 Hunter - I have a mic - PSN: esteban_chips
Edited by FluffyCow289: 11/2/2014 7:39:14 PMNeed two level 28 People to help beat atheon on normal with mics. Psn=FluffyCow289
Raid: I'm a level 27 warlock or level 28 hunter with mic. I've never done the raid though.
Edited by GioRoxs: 11/2/2014 8:42:25 PMWho needs help with strange coin farming or killing xyor the unwed(thorn bounty)? Looking for ppl to do these with, if interested add me @ GioRoxs Lvl 27 hunter
Edited by ItsMrYG: 11/2/2014 6:37:38 PMNeed 3 more people! Lvl27+ preferred. VoG Normal Gatekeeper checkpoint. PSN: yG6ll7 Fireteam leader's PSN: Hallowed_Knightz
LVL 27 Hunter - I need a group of people! I can join a group or host it! PSN: esteban_chips
I'm half way to 26 and got a gun that takes out patorion shield with one shot
Also got mic
Edited by FluffyCow289: 11/2/2014 5:38:24 PMLevel 28 warlock. Need 4 28+ people with experience. Only need to beat atheon on normal. Psn=FluffyCow289. Need mic.
Looking for a raid group, lvl 27 hunter can do vault anytime for whoevers interested Thanks
Edited by ghost ervin9: 11/2/2014 4:58:40 PMguys im a level 29 with raid experience i want level 27 and up to help me with regular raid plzz help. 5 spots open. tell me if u are coming PSN: ghost_ervin9
Edited by besz168: 11/2/2014 10:51:43 AMNeed a group for normal VOG. I'm a strong 27 warlock. I'll play whenever you need me. I have a mic. Looking for a fresh raid