Deej, why do we have to wait until Friday to have this information? The Iron Banner is a week long event and half of that time has been spent believing a lie which you are going to sugar-coat on Friday? You, as the face of this company, face a lot of flak and we recognize that. [i]You[/i] are also [i]our[/i] face to the company. Remember the days that you wrote with punning conviction? I do; these were days of dreams of a new land and journey. Promising hints of content which would be release at E3, content which was obviously pulled or altered. And now, during these times of question and scrutiny we receive vague and ambiguous lies.
As a member of the community, ask the dev teams for some answers. Then provide us with those answers as a member of the company. Your job requires two masks, one of which seems ignored and abused.
Is he addressing this today?? I can t wait for explanations
Thank you for saying this.