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10/9/2014 3:30:26 PM
[quote]I feel like the majority of complaints I'm reading stems from the fact that their gear in IB doesn't guarantee them a win before a fight even starts because that's how Bungie advertised it. Personally, I think that's stupid. Skill should be a factor in ANY PVP, regardless of there being "advantages enabled" or not. Boo hoo, you can't kill other low lvl players in one hit while tanking an infinite amount of bullets from them receiving "immune", how terrible to let another player damage you. I just think it's pretty stupid to complain about other players being able to compete against you lol.[/quote] The complaint is justified, lvl 4's with lvl 1 weapons should not be able to easily take down someone 26 levels above, dont forget Destint is also an RPG and at this point they might as well just cut all the rpg content considering it doesnt matters anyway and cutting content is something Bungie seems to love these days. [quote]Went into IB for the first time yesterday as a level 28 and felt like there was a decent advantage I had. I don't usually play crucible so it may be hard to tell, but enemies seemed to die faster and damage scales seemed different.[/quote] Crazy idea, perhaps Bungie just highered the overall damage from Crucible (as multiple people have said, it is still crucible but with a slight increase in damage.) [quote]Pretty sure I saw someone survive a shoulder charge from a titan, meaning that your armor does too matter in IB.[/quote] Pretty sure is not "I have concrete evidence of". Sounds like you even doubt it yourself. [quote]Anyways... First game in and went 37 kills 7.4 KDR, so I'm sitting here thinking of how bad you must be to complain and moan about not having enough of an advantage over your competition.[/quote] Link to that game, also did you finish like that every game? It is also more about the fact Bungie lied again then anything else, lots of people grinded days for their gear, doing task that were not so fun but now even in a "level advantage enabled" playlist that gear is apparently only as usefull as the first weapon found or plainly the same as in the disabled playlist. [quote] Just stick to PvE if you want easy steamrolling IMO, not like any people under level 28 would join IB if they had as much of a disadvantage as they would in PvE due to level difference.[/quote] I think you're missing the point again, it is more about this playlist simply being glorified Crucible, Bungie said lvl would matter here, it clearly does not. [quote]All that aside, his lowbie white gun shouldn't be doing the same damage as another players fully upgraded legendary gun... Agreed there.[/quote] And 200 defence == 1400? IB should be as it is advertised or on a more broad perspectice Bungie needs to quite the lying.

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  • Your definition of easily killing stuff is not shaped by participation in crucible. The kill speed was atrocious and everyone he was killing was bad. It would take literally one third of the time to kill the same people with shingen or suros. He wouldn't have killed almost anyone if he was getting shot at

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  • Where do you get your assumptions from? I don't know how to work my way around this website as some, but I don't see a "killing speed" posted anywhere. Plus everyone on my team seemed to think my killing speed was fast. Wouldn't have killed almost anyone if I had been shot at? What? I was getting shot at on a regular basis, usually guarding one of the 3 points on my own against 2-3 enemies who would try and take it from me and usually fail. Plus, I was using a Suros. I won't bother replying to everyone on this because I just got home and using this website on the phone is hell, and after reading through some posts I've realized that some people didn't fully understand a few things I tried to be thorough about and repeating myself or explaining my opinions on things when we disagree on a basic principal really isn't worth the time or effort involved. All I'm going to say that in PvP, of any kind, skill should be a reasonable factor. If they want PvP damage to scale the same as PvE, then all Bungie should really do IMO is restrict the levels allowed to enter IB so that people don't have to get trolled by seeing "immune" or standing no chance at all; assuming that they ever make IB the way they made it out to be. Which I agree, Bungie should be held accountable for what they promised and white weapons shouldnt do the same damage as purple.

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  • I was replying to someone else talking about the video. It gets weird when the thread goes too deep

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  • Oh lol, yeah it does. My bad.

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