I was making a new warlock and got through the 4th mission or so. I was level 4 with my friends who are all high level like my main. I decided to test Iron Banner because last night I really didn't see much of a difference playing with my lvl 30, it felt like regular crucible. So I joined up with my friends to play some Iron Banner. I was expecting to walk in and get one shotted with an ankle shot, instead I was baffled at what happened. Watch the video, and let me know what you think.
Edit- Here is my second video as well, this was my third game and did even better than my first. http://youtu.be/h2rUdKnB_4M Check it out and let me know what you think! Also thanks Deej for replying at least, I was not expecting that. Although you did leave us with your usual vague wait till the update answer. Please don't just address it, please actually fix it!
A big shout out to my fireteam, thanks for helping me make this video ClearVue, AssasiNinja187x, ojndeath1, DukeNukem786, and xxKunntryxx
I don't play much Iron Banner, but I've been seen people posting these issues on the forum since Iron Banner started. Apparently it is common knowledge and same system was used in Iron Banner during beta. Something about lowest level gets a boost to be at the same level as the highest, in other words Iron Banner is just plain old crucible control. Same thing as the queen missions, you're unlocking gear and the only difference is the color and design.