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10/8/2014 11:04:59 PM

I'll be addressing this in the Weekly Update. Preview: Power Matters, but so does skill.

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  • [quote]I dont think addressing this even matter its to a point where im fed up with this game, I found it horrible that when i play PVP and i go 27 kills and 3 deaths and another player on my team goes 1 kill and 19 deaths and i got nothing at all and the one who has 19 deaths get an exotic. This isnt a game, I want to play anymore, where i have to do an exotic bounty, work my ass off to get the exotic bad juju ( which is one of the worst exotic ever and i think about dismatling it every time i look at it) and bad juju cant even finish off an emeny due to its 15 magnize. this is a truly horrible game. I have more to vent about but to sum it up, imma just keep playing this till the new dragon age comes out and after that i will no longer be logging into my destiny account. Hahahaha worked my ass off. It's a game mate,go and get a job and work your ass off IRL.

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  • I have a career and with my down time I play video games, now the same can be said about you, why dont you get a job and do something with your life, but i assume you are working to be able to buy a console and the game. So stop trying to be an ass you limey english bastard

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  • [quote]I have a career and with my down time I play video games, now the same can be said about you, why dont you get a job and do something with your life, but i assume you are working to be able to buy a console and the game. So stop trying to be an ass you limey english bastard[/quote] Ok mate calm down,no need for name calling.

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  • Bad juju so stronk makes people quit. :3

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  • lol it sure made me quit

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  • Please! And try not to change your mind... We dont want you back^^

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  • Edited by Celoxamortis: 10/9/2014 5:58:07 PM
    Except skill should only matter in regards to the gear as well. You can't sit here and advertise the mode as level unlocked, put up large images saying that defense and attack power matter, and then turn around and make excuses about why a level 4 can use a level 1 common weapon and destroy a level 28 or level 30 player. The whole point of Iron Banner was to be for people in the mid- to high-20s to PVP with their defense and attack ratings "uncapped" over Crucible but that isn't the case. It's just the Crucible 2: Control Playlist Electric Boogaloo. A level 4 shouldn't even be going INTO Iron Banner. They should be told "we're sorry, you need to level up; have you tried normal Crucible?"

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  • We get that skill matters but he got shot multiple times by many different guns thst should have just wiped him out due his low level and defense rating. Please fix.

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  • The problem is if you guys advertise how important gear is in a event, and when the gear makes then such a small difference like now in IB people feel fooled.

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  • "I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain why the Iron Banner [insert one of many issues here]" - Bungie

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  • Perfect. +1 Internets.

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  • Lol perfect

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  • would everyone just stop hating on destiny! geez! destiny is not a mmo nor is it a true fps its a mix of both, a new genre almost so it will have bugs and it will have no lifes and other complications, but i trust bungie is trying their best to meet the best standards they just need time, after all the last city wasnt built in a day.

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  • First I am dying from reading that. But for actual criticism, Destiny is a FPS MMO with cleverly used group instances/public areas. That is it. I love the idea and it works pretty well most of the time but that is not the issue. The issue is that there is so much that is out that has had no forethought. Bounties that are impossible (Salvage when you can't play it, Queen's bounties with class pieces you cant buy, etc) and IB which gives no incentives for staying if you are losing or penalty if you leave. Why am I getting bounties for Exotics I already have? - These were not thought out and it is evident. Going on with the lack of forethought, what do you do when you hit level 20? Well, you grind rep until you get all legendary and buy an exotic until you hit level 27-28. None of the Limited Time Events have any draw to people who have legendaries already. Oh Queen's Blue gear? I already have full legendaries from the different factions. Need a gun? Buy one of the most OP guns from Xur for pretty much nothing. [b]I did not earn it[/b]. The only weapons you can earn in Exotic Bounties are nothing in comparison to what I have bought from him. Then your ONLY option to get any farther is to do the Raid, once per week (unless you have 3 of one char-type). Then what? Well, that is it. Why was everyone doing the loot cave? Because the other incentives were either not there or [b]people would rather spend hours shooting into a back hole your alternatives. [/b] If nothing else this says a ton. Make the grind fun and not repetitive. Make people feed good when they beat a boss or accomplish something. Then when you reach the Glorious 30, give people something to do. Area that gives special gear or rankings to try to beat others and be the best or a wave mode for the elite. If you make the grind fun and give enjoyable endgame content then you make people want to make it to 30 then keep playing and enjoy it.

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  • 1) Bugs and bad design are not the same thing. 2) Hating on something is an urban word that implies jealously, clearly this doesn't make sense. 3) Not an MMO? Ok so what? The issues don't magically go away. 4) FPS is an acronym for "First-Person Shooter". If the primary camera is in the first-person and if the game-play revolves around shooting in said perspective, then it is an FPS. Anything else it falls under in irrelevant to it being an FPS. Most, and by most I mean the large majority of games, are hybrid. Example: The Legend of Zelda is a 3rd person action RPG with some platforming and puzzle elements. 5) Trust Bungie? Unless you are new to Bungie you have no reason to trust them, but then again if you are new you are being naive to just blindly trust a corporation you have no history with. If you are not new then you would clearly have already known their over-a-decade worth of bad design, bad decisions, laughable screw ups, and seemingly doing everything to go against the experience people actual were expecting and actually like as much as possible. Or did you forget the masses celebrating when Bungie was out of Halo after they finally managed to kill it with Halo Reach? There is a reason for the out cries that came after the release of each Halo game, all of which had extremely valid points that never went answered or fixed. And yet many of those issues have been cranked up Destiny.

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  • Delusion = [quote]the masses celebrating when Bungie was out of Halo after they finally managed to kill it with Halo Reach?[/quote]

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  • Lol you have a funny memory. The main reason 343 got the response they did from Halo 4 is because they were pinned as the ones that would finally save Halo from Bungie. But hey, remember it how you like too. If you can, with a straight face, remember anyone not being happy with Bungie being out without it being "selective memory" I'll buy your Destiny DLC for you.

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  • Edited by KeyserSoze: 10/9/2014 6:40:31 PM
    Already got my season pass thanks, I take care of myself. Halo 4 is only good for Spartan Ops. MetaCritic Scores Reach: 91 Halo4: 87 Who has the memory problems here?

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  • Edited by Level1 on Hard: 10/9/2014 6:54:12 PM
    I'm confused. I never said Halo 4 was good. Halo 4 is the worst out of them all. What I said was, long before anything was shown or released about Halo 4 (during the early days of the studio's creation) was that people had hopes that 343 would save Halo now that Bungie was out. Halo 4 was them NOT saving Halo but making things worst. Remember many people saying it couldn't get worst than Reach, then the Game Informer leaked proved it could be. Not sure you were actually following what was being said because clearly you didn't get it. Oh and Spartan Ops and the word "good" don't mix. Even though you mean relatively speaking, I wouldn't use "good" regardless with anything related to Halo 4. When I said the response 343 got, I meant the anger and outraged over what Halo 4 was both developing into once it was exposed what they were doing behind the scenes as well as what was released. Halo 4 wasn't just trash but there was an existing history of being fed up from the Bungie days that made it much more heated. Although Bungie gets a lot of criticism for Destiny, it doesn't seem to compare to what 343 got from Halo 4.

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  • You remember your version I will remember mine.... "Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either." -Aesop

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  • And before you answer try to come up with some reasonable and actual plausible comeback other than "I remember it differently". There is a long history that can easily be Googled to highlight everything that was mentioned so far in my posts. So what do you remember and be specific.

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  • LOL and what version do you remember? Because your last post seemed to point to Halo 4 being worst, which no one denied. So what are you trying to argue here? Use your words like a big boy.

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  • Edited by KeyserSoze: 10/9/2014 7:09:20 PM
    Oh you're so cool when you try to hurl insults at me like that, it makes me smile. The version I remember is enjoying the hell out of Reach with a good number of my friends for quite a long time. And since I missed it because I was playing a video game I enjoyed will you please post the [quote] long history that can easily be Googled to highlight everything that was mentioned so far in my posts.[/quote] And the point I thought we were arguing was that you believe the majority of people were happy that Bungie was no longer a part of the Halo franchise. I referenced the bomb that is Halo4 to illustrate the point that people were not happy about 343 taking over the Halo franchise.

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  • Edited by Level1 on Hard: 10/9/2014 7:15:42 PM
    But I didn't insult you. Unless the whole like a big boy thing insulted you then you have way too sensitive skin since that wasn't an insult but more of a smart-ass remark. But back to the topic, you enjoying Reach has nothing to do with the valid issues it had. Which is funny because any time someone brings up a valid issue with a game people like you think it some how means you couldn't or didn't enjoy the game. Like a game having issues some how doesn't validate the fun you had. That is irrelevant. I enjoyed Halo 3 but its issues were real. Someone mentioning the garbage net code Halo 3 had (that Reach fixed thankfully), the added randomness, the slower paced movement and gameplay, etc is completely IRRELEVANT to me enjoying and playing a lot of Halo 3. Those that like the game does not mean the issues the game has magically goes away. Seriously now, from gamer to gamer, when someone mentions the bad things a game has (or its devs) it does not mean no one enjoys it or could enjoy it. But there are many, and a long list of very valid and real issues, Bungie ignored throughout the entire Halo series; many of which they made worst in each iteration even though the public have been screaming out against it for YEARS. Again it has nothing to do with you and your friends liking the game. A lot of these same issues are in Destiny but cranked up to an extreme. That has nothing to do with those that enjoy Destiny. You and your friends playing a game has nothing to do with the issues the game has or the general consensus of where the game lies. You and your friends don't speak for the general consensus.

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  • So if Bungie has not resolved the "problems" they had for years why do you to continue to but their games? And I said ATTEMPT to insult, I really am in no way insulted. I just find attempts at petty digs and put downs to be a way of distancing yourself from the discussion at hand. At no time did I state or imply that I speak for the general consensus, I do however speak for a community that feels a certain way, as do you. However the difference between us is that you perceive the overwhelming majority of gamers hate bungie and Halo games and everything bungie does is a mistake... at least that's how you come across....I realize that companies make products that won't please everyone.

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