I'll be addressing this in the Weekly Update.
Preview: Power Matters, but so does skill.
Combine that with the broken reward system and IB is an utter fail. "Those who put out will be rewarded." Yea. That's why I went 35 with a 5.25 k/s and got nothing but the guy at the bottom of my team who went 3 with a .3 k/d got a goddamn ice pick. Cause, you know, that makes -blam!-ing sense.
I'm on the top and I get nothing, I'm on the bottom and I get nothing, in the middle and still get nothing. Correction I get lvl 16 crap.
This guy gets it
So long =less than a month? LOL.
Then IB would just be a Level 25 required Crucible playlist. The level bonus wouldn't apply, since everyone would be equal. Just like regular Crucible...
Edited by Sovereign117345: 10/9/2014 3:09:47 PMBetter that then what's happening in this video. Did you watch the video? And so are you saying you think it's good they way it is or that they should just change it to where lvl and gear actually matters? Cause then the low lvls would just be getting -blam!- and it pretty much be farming dregs on the cosmodrome only in crucible. Who the hell wants that?
I just looked at it. Also took a look at Datto's PvP build video: [url=http://youtu.be/PgoDqz1ZnvA]YouTube[/url] Bungie has to walk a fine line here: if they make the level advantage too much, the lower levels need not apply, and IB turns into a level-gated playlist. If they make the level advantage not enough (which, I agree, may be the case now) IB won't feel different from regular Crucible. The difficulty is balancing for skill. How much can a player offset a level disadvantage with skill? Should a level 4 player be unable to kill an afk Lv30? When does a player feel that their skill was the deciding factor in a firefight?
It doesn't either way, then...
omfg go suck a fat one deej, quit your job
Addressing this in the weekly update? By weekly, you mean next week when the Iron Banner finishes?
This game is just good enough to hold people over till the next shooter comes out, then it gets shelved all around the world. I give it to Bungie though, they did a hell of a job using their name and marketing skills to -blam!- a lot of people for the DLC already, including myself. Been a Bungie fan since the first Marathon, played the hell out of all their games, very disappointed in a lot of stuff surrounding Destiny. Screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice... Not gonna happen.
This isn't what the Iron Banner is advertised as. It's suppose to be weapons/armor and player level at full strength, unadjusted. This needs to be addressed.
I've completely lost my faith in bungie. I do not feel bungie has any interest in the features desired by their fans. The game is good, it's not great nor is it what it could have been.
Exactly. Once Sunset OD comes out, I won't touch Destiny except to maybe play the DLC I unfortunately already bought. 😭😭😭
By directing us to updates every time we have an issue, You're seriously making the community feel like we are playing a beta.
This is a beta for the next halo game...which will also blow
We are playing a beta, that's just the reality of it. It's not what you and I or anyone else paid for but it's what we got.
yes but the point of IRON BANNER is that level advantages make sense, if im level 30 i should own anything below 25. or at least have a huuuuge ass advantage.
Edited by Naomarius: 10/9/2014 1:43:40 PMIs this a joke?
@DeeJ Does Bungie at least issue you a ballistic vest every time you log on to flak for the company?
Edited by DeathWyvern: 10/9/2014 1:34:20 PMI think the iron banner is being handled pretty well. If it were totally unbalanced in favor of the decked out being nigh indestructible, then it would close off its accessibility and be barren except for the high level twinks looking for an easy win. Because face it, that was the first thing that crossed everyone's mind when they read about iron banner. Finding that hapless lvl 5 who happened to wander in and marvel at their powerlessness
Wouldn't there just be a bunch of people complaining about iron banner if they were getting owned? The complaining is never going to end is it? Granted their complaints would be inappropriate and all of us would tell them they are complaining for nothing but the nonstop bitching is never going to end with this game or any other game. I bet when I get dragon age I could bitch and whine about something if I wanted to. Like no co-op story mode. I could go on for days about how I should be able to play any games story with my friends any time I want but it's not going to happen this time so I guess I have to deal with it. I like iron banner but essentially there isn't much to it other than me showing off something I have earned that my friends haven't because they don't play pvp.
-blam!- the low levels.
Or matchmaking could work and pair you with appropriately leveled opponents... You know like halo used too....
this is what match making is for. It wouldn't be to hard to run a list of criteria so that you can match all the 'nigh indestructibles' and then the next level down so forth and so on. Look there is a huge gap if in pve 5 levels above you is a ? and can't take damage and kills you in one shot and pvp there is no difference. I mean it would mean that in pvp armor has no effect... a lv 8 is like i duno 2-3 hundred defense points. im lv 28 and have just shy of 1300. that's a 1000 armor points difference on average. PvE that makes a big difference.