You must be new to This type of thing. Just like old school wow, in order to get to the dungeon you have to travel these dinstsndes through areas you have already explored. If I killed every level 6 dreg along the way I would never arrive with the respawning. Or the amount of time taken would not sufficiently match the quality of the reward. I've done every strike a million times. You need to step up your game or step down. If you can't keep up and insist on killing enemies that stand no chance against you, then go patrol a planet all day.
Some people complain about runners, I personally can't stand the people that wanna sit as far away from the action as possible and snipe. I run and kill whatever gets in my way. I shouldn't have to hang back cuz someone needs 50 more headshots to complete a bounty.
This. Sparrow up guardian.
play the strike by yourself if your going to run through. dont force other players to deal with your lazy inpatient playstyle
This. Quit slowing us down, we have to kill the room full of waves, then sparrow all the way to the Devil Walker, then the Archon. Dont really think im going to clear the entire cosmodrome do ya?
that's pretty much it