originally posted in:Terror Australis
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Hey Guys, If you want to have a crack at the raid this weekend just add me on live (GT: The6FtStriker). At the moment I have 8-9 people keen so i am going to organize two times (probably Saturday night around 6pm and a Sunday raid maybe around 12 noon) Feel free to suggest other times if these do not suit you and i will find the best times to suit everyone.
Thanks Guys
Ok guys, i know have 6 for the Saturday night Raid. (2 Hunters, 2 Titans and 2 Warlocks (perfect huh)). I'll send you guys the list once i finalise things tonight. If anyone still wants to have a go on Sunday just keep repling to this post and ill figure out the team. Also, just like to say Thanks Guys for the great feedback to help me create this team. Cheers