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originally posted in: Proof that Bungie cut content
9/29/2014 6:06:53 AM
Cool baaaaaaaahhh

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  • Yeah I'm not the one who thinks paying for content is equal to the suffering of racial minorities for hundreds of years, so if that makes me a sheep I guess you're a donkey! heeeeeeeeee-hawwwwwwwwww

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  • Slaves doesnt have to be african americans you dumb-blam!- we are all materialist slaves we are given the illusion of freedom but we dont have it. You ignorant -blam!-

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  • Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! XD Oh. My. Gods. That has [i]got[/i] to be the most ignorant load of bullshit I have seen all day (and given how much of a lunatic my mother tends to be and how much crap she spews...that's saying an awful damned lot). So, what? We're all mind-controlled by the Illuminati and the New World Order and told what to buy or not to buy and no one ever makes up their own mind about any purchases they make? Haha, bitch please! You're completely delusional and bat--blam!-ing-shit insane. Next you're going to be telling me that mankind never landed on the moon and the whole thing was faked. But you know what, I got this lovely and completely self-sufficient fallout shelter out in the middle of nowhere that's off the grid up for sale so you can be safe from those damned Illuminati/NWO folks if you're interested, even comes with a completely free and complimentary stock of high-quality tin-foil hats to wear!

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  • Idiot noone mentioned nothing about illuminati i stopped reading after that part

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  • I bet you're going to tell me the government caused 9/11 too. heeeeeeee-hawwwwwwww

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  • I bet you believe everything the mainstream media tells you. Baaaahhh baaaahh

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  • Haha no, I'm well aware mainstream media is only self interested, I'm just also aware counter-culture conspiracy nuts (like yourself) are also self interested. heeeeeeee-hawwwwwww

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  • I do believe 911 was an inside job to take away our freedoms little by little putting fear into people by calling everyone in there way a terrorist. Im not going to argue about this we both have different views on how we see things.

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  • Haha oh my god I was actually right? And you're going around calling people sheep? You really are a donkey! heeeeeeeeeee-hawwwwwwwwwww

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  • Your ignorance level is beyond normal. You are probably the type of person who thinks everything is all jolly and that the u.s. Is just trying to help every country and that there really is a lot of terrorists out here trying to harmus all and we need all these cops to protect us because we cant protect ourselves we need a cop who is equipped like a soldier to protect us. Lol start opening your mind to different possibilities try working your brain out i heard thinking helps it out

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  • Edited by LoveItToDeath: 9/30/2014 3:01:07 AM
    I like your thought process. I couldn't have said it better. People no longer know how to critically process what they see and hear. This is why we live in a corporate owned police state. This is why Bungie and Activision will get away with what I see as Fraud.

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  • Way too easy... Let's see, you call me ignorant but you're the one who has: A) Compared paying for DLC as slavery B) Assumed I'm American C) Are a conspiracy theorist I understand the sane version of your argument in A, it's not fun feeling like you bought an incomplete product, and at no point did I actually disagree with that argument. I'm mostly indifferent as I've already played well over 150 hours so I feel I've gotten back my ROI on the game. My problem with you is that likening playing for DLC to slavery is ignorant in of itself, and calling people sheep who disagree with you just bothers me on a personal level because people like that usually have their own insecurities but feel the need to be an internet troll and/or tough guy. Also understand B, most Americans assume everyone else on the internet is also American, you get used to it. C is what bothers me the most, because you see I'm a developmental economist that works for an international organization, which means I spend most of my time figuring out how to fix the problems caused by the first world both in a historical and modern context, to do so requires a significant amount of study of not only economics, but politics and history as well. It also requires the ability to keep an open mind since solutions to developmental issues are generally complex with a lot of intricacies. This is where my problem with people like you come in: You're not open minded. You like to pretend to be, but you're not. You're as close minded as the people you think are sheep because using faulty data and wrong assumptions you come to a conclusion that there's someone behind the scenes pulling the strings trying to screw you over, and you're so convinced of this that you're close minded to any other possibility, and that's the crux of it all: All you conspiracy theorists do is talk about how terrible the world is, while people like me actually try and [b]do[/b] something about it. But then again, I'm talking to a conspiracy theorists, I'm sure your next reply will be that I'm part of the problem/system or some other BS. And that, my poor misguided friend, is why you are a donkey. Hee-Haw.

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  • Idont care about this nomore the only reason i am replying is because i dont want to give you the satisfaction but i dont care anymore. This went from a game to all this other bs. Youre not american cool. Idont understand why you keep calling me a conspiracy theorist i believe 911 was an inside job i dont believe it was terrorist that hijacked a plane and for that i am called a conspiracy theorist? If you are and do what you say you do. Why are you not being open minded yourself? If you are not american why was the first thing you said to me about 911. I believe that there is an agenda that nations are following little by little i mean there are videos of presidents talking about it a new world order. This isnt the place to talk about all this shit anyway. But dont say im a theorist and ignorant if you bring up good points i will think about them i wont just dismiss it. The whole slavery thing was misunderstood maybe i should of went into more detail i meant why cant we complain and express how we feel what are we slaves. Im not saying we are literally slaves. Ignorance shows when youre still doing the heehaw shit mister world changer one heehaw at a time

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  • > Does not care anymore > Types a paragraph Pick one > Is not a conspiracy theorists > Lists at least three conspiracies in said paragraph Pick one I'm not really sure at what point you thought this was a debate. I only enjoy intelligent debates and that's not possible with you. This is simply me trolling a troll, and doing it [b]quite[/b] successfully I might add. When you go on a thread and reply to every single person disagreeing with you calling them a sheep you are simply a donkey.

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  • Dammit i mentioned god there goes the 4th conspiracy theory

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  • Edited by Apolloshot: 9/29/2014 8:56:00 AM
    D) Assumes anyone who doesn't believe in the same thing they do is a liberal atheist. Next you'll be accusing me of trying to take your guns. Oh by the way, when referring to God it's technically insulting to use a lowercase g. Anyways this was fun and got me through the commute home. It's 12 hours ahead where I am, which means it's about 5 am there. You should probably quit while you're ahead champ and go to bed.

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  • You seem to assume a lot aswell. Its 4am which means i still have 5 hours till i get to go home. I will be at it if it takes forever and i dont care lol did god tell you to capitalize the g in god

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  • No, rules of grammar taught me that... Also at what? What exactly are you "at forever?" Being a donkey?

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  • Destiny give you any ideas on how to change the world?

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  • Ill reply forever you ass

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  • No, no, no you have it backwards. Sheep's aren't asses, donkeys are.

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  • How do you change the world while playing videogames most of your time?

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  • Did you actually reply 4 times after I had clearly left the conversation? That's just sad man. Funny, but sad. Also your assertion that someone has to have no life to be good at a video game is also really funny. Guess I'm just efficient enough I can do better then you can in less played time.

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  • Just stop lil guy

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  • Can't, I'm part of the Illuminati and my goal is to discredit you because you've figured out our secrets.

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