I am not hitting random countries; I'm hitting yours. Where the hell is South Floodia anyway?
[quote]I am not hitting random countries;[/quote] [quote]Where the hell is South Floodia anyway?[/quote] -_- Really?
Dude, I've never heard of it before now.
That's a pity.
Edited by Ktan_Dantaktee: 9/1/2014 5:11:28 AMImperial America begins sending in Pluto-Class Medusa missiles; emitting Medusa radiation and turning everything into stone; all while they fire city-busting nuclear warheads. Juggernaut tanks begin long-range bombardment and begin targeting any and all South Floodian aircraft.
[b][u]We have no aircraft.[/u][/b]
... And yet you honestly want to go to war with somebody who has a fleet size of almost 1000?
Lol, you attacked me.
Lets face it, that Shrek thing was just a ruse for some devious plot to cripple other countries.
Uh, no. I was trying to form alliances.
[quote]Dire Dragon Jul 25 at 12:14:03 AM Permalink South Floodia activates all Shrek battle androids and they destroy every nation except France's infrastructure.[/quote] I'm calling bullshit.
Edited by Aegis: 9/1/2014 6:04:06 AMDire ≠ Dyr Not me bro.