They sound immature. Thats just my opinion tho, whats urs?
They sound immature!!! That sounded really immature!!!
I prefer peoploe who post their art on Destiny to immature people because people who post their art are creative.
[quote][b]They sound immature[/b]. Thats just my opinion [b]tho, whats urs[/b]? They sound immature!!! That sounded really immature!!! I prefer peoploe who post their art on Destiny to immature people because people who post their art are creative[/quote] 1. Sound? You can hear the words coming from the forums? If so, I want what you have now. That would save a lot of time rather than reading. 2. tho (though) 3. whats (what's) 4. urs (yours) And you want to say they "sound" immature???