What is the most severe injury you've received in your life?
Mine happened when I was a toddler, something or other ripped through the lower part of my mouth and my mother had to sew it up. Now I have two nifty lil' scars on my bottom lip :D
What severe physical (or even mental) injuries have you attained in your life! I'd really love to know!
I skitched (held onto a car while longboarding) the back of a car for an easy way up a large hill. The driver decided to floor it to 40mph with my 2 friends and I on back. I was in the middle so I couldn't let go first and before I knew it i was getting speed wobbles. My board shot out from underneath me and I started to tumble head first for the pavement. [spoiler]luckily I was wearing my helmet for the first time ever[/spoiler] I slammed my head. Tumbled. Then my ass slid across the pavement for a good 10 or more feet. I had a rock lodged in my shoulder and my ass looked like raw ground beef with pebbles in it.