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Edited by H0RSE: 8/6/2014 5:41:01 PM
regulated sport or not, has nothing to do with anything. When I play a game/sport, whether it's baseball, a video game, or -blam!-ing monopoly, I expect people to behave a certain way. When I see players exhibit behavior that conflicts with my mindset, they have shown me at a core level, that we not like-minded individuals, and thus, I don't want to play with that individual in the future. Mind you, this isn't simply the case of "he likes something I don't" - it's a bit deeper than that. I do what I do in an attempt to preserve the integrity of online gaming. When I see others break this "code" I abide by, it isn't just because they're doing things I wouldn't, it's that they have shown me that they have no integrity, either for themselves and/or the game, or that their idea of what integrity is, is so misguided, that they are doing more harm than good in their actions. [quote]Hence why I said you need to grow up and leave the basement bud.[/quote] I've been married for 12 years, and we live on our own. I'm actually pending a mortgage on a new home as we speak.

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