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7/29/2014 5:09:49 PM

Crucible Thought

Hello everyone I have accumulated my ideas and impressions for the crucible so here we go. - There should be quick option boxes instead of the button holding - To be able to easily switch between characters while in games and before the start of matches - A better reward system perhaps a progressive reward system based on your actions or rewards for top players of the match or team - Turrets need a little more power and a shorter escape time - The interceptor/tank needs a lower fire rate and little to no vertical firing ability - The pike/fish has to much booster making it faster then the sparrow - Melee attacks to an enemies rear should be instant kill - The balance of weapons is off there needs to be more focus on primary weapons and balancing the auto rifle. lower the appearance of special ammo and make the supers less excessive. - Titans ability shouldn't go through walls or effect anything below the impacts elevation - Hunters ability have slightly less change over time and refund of super charge for unspent bullets

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