This thread is long overdue. Because Bungie abandoned it's ORIGINAL fans a long time ago.
Over what? Some money? It's a blatant betrayal to those that literally supported this company at the beginning.
Where's our compensation? Am I right?
Apple users unite!!
Yeap! Betrayal! And over money!!! How dare they? I'm sure all of the "Original" fans would have gladly ponied up billions of dollars that have been spent on development of great games! Right? Xbox users? Apple? You who bitch about having to pay for XB live or PS+? Yeah all of you I'm sure.... Just buy they games or don't, this forum is lousy with entitled drama queen Dbags.... Nobody forces you to spend your "hard earned" allowance on Destiny or any other game you basement troll! just let other people enjoy the game and this community without your incessant bitching!