originally posted in:Bungieball
[i][u][b]DO NOT PM ME[/b][/u][/i]
I'm composing a user template to show how each and every one of you beautiful little people are to be portrayed in the event that you are included in a comic.
You can draw your own or request that someone draw one for you instead.
If you choose to draw your own, make sure to follow Death's [url=http://www.bungie.net/7_How-to-Bungieball/en/Groups/Post?id=66066237&groupId=113418]guidelines[/url]. [url=http://i.imgur.com/BWNtjLW.png]Here[/url] is an illustrated tutorial. Please try to keep everything within the actual ball.
No more props, no tails, wings, feathers etc.
[u]I will ignore your post if you submit one.[/u]
I will not edit any submissions, they must adhere to the rules if they are to be processed.
Music, music everywhere.... What? [b]Can't hear you.[/b] What? [b]Yes it's the Siege of Madrigal.[/b] What? [b]Yes, you can hear it, great.[/b] What? [b]Yes, I know I'm going to go deaf.[/b]
I tried my hand at making one based off my avatar. Although if someone feels like they can make a better version, go for it.
I tried though I don't like mine, hah.
How's this? Based PopSkimo made it.
Edited by Oliver Queen: 7/9/2014 10:57:55 PMWill this work? I don't know how to draw a Green Arrow without a hat and facial hair hope that's ok.
Edited by Divine Thunder2: 7/9/2014 5:07:18 PMThank you, Zoltoyde.
Put in mine, drawn by Infiltrat0rN7
Boom. Everything I'd want in an avatar.
Edited by A Clone Spooker: 7/9/2014 8:20:04 PMFixed the weird white outline... Dunno why it was doing that.
Hey OP, could you use this one instead? I made my own this time around.
Edited by Boomdeyadah: 7/9/2014 6:49:37 PMAchronos.
Edited by MNMNPJNA2: 7/9/2014 8:24:16 PMFixed weird M stuff
Edited by Sandtrap: 7/9/2014 7:48:12 PMHere you go OP. I made my Moonbaby avatar in ball form, complete with his token Brute Shot.
Edited by Vicex: 7/9/2014 9:57:08 PMJust a shameless bump that was missed. :’( Cheers to Erkyo for that one.
Edited by TheDuke: 7/9/2014 9:07:47 PMTrible Ball [spoiler][url=http://i.imgur.com/IVCGsFW.png]Grunt Ball[/url] for anyone? Was gunna use it but then I remember other actually have grunt in their names. So who wants it? if none then okay.[/spoiler]
i cant view the guidelines, made one anyway.
Edited by FunguyV: 7/9/2014 10:09:48 PM¡Aqui!
Best I could on mobile on the bus.
Did this a little bit ago...
Let's play guess that user.
DAS B00T can into space?
I updated mine.
Edited by Banned Commissar: 7/9/2014 9:08:20 PMI guess this would be the Lord Commissar ball.
Edited by BannedR352: 7/9/2014 11:47:55 PMFinished mine EDIT: Got rid of pupils and mouth