Xbox users only get [b]4 days[/b] of[b] [u]beta[/u][/b] access, how dare Bungie give xbox users only 4 days when they didn't have to give xbox any days at all!
Xbox users supported Bungie from the beginning! Halo fans deserve recognition! All because they beat Halo on legendary! They played all the Halos even though it has nothing to do with Bungie anymore! So therefore xbox users deserve more than the new guys.
[spoiler]You where given a choice xbots, Bungie or Microsoft and you chose poorly. Now stop bitching like entitled little brats [/spoiler]
...stop yelling -.-
well i beat all the halos (except for 2) on legendary. I was smart enough to go with ps4 this time. I got my recognition as a longtime fan. Thanks.
Yeah, I don't get the complaints. I got an xbox one first cause it had games I wanted to play and got a ps4 early for destiny for all the extra goodies. My only complaint is I would have rather played destiny with the x1 controller but it will be best on ps4. Oh the struggles of 1st world life
Hey Xbone fanboys, after reading some of these posts I have a new theme song for you.
God damn it, you are stupid Kotaku.
At the very least, this topic helps me weed out illiterate forum goers. Thanks.
Eat A Snicker, why? Cuz you rage when you don't eat one. Better? Your response: No. .....
Kotaku took your post seriously.
I only get one day.... Because of Boy Scout summer camp.
Quit whining, bungie made games for xbox for like 10 years, PS players have waited for 10 years for some recognition by bungie, they deserve more days of the beta than Xbox fanboys.
I am just saying- I am not even mad that Playstation gets it longer. But FOUR days? Even if I DIDN'T want to play the game- if I heard the run-time for ANY kind of public Beta ran for less than a week, I'd call that pathetic and wonder what the deal is with the developer or publishers. Also what is the deal with the length of this games Beta in general? 12 day? If I recall right (which I COULD easily be wrong going off memory alone here) but Halo Reach's Beta was like a solid 14 days. That is a good and plenty for a standard FPS title. Destiny is MUCH more than that and only gets 12 days? I get it- we had the Alpha, but did that really make up for the extra days of this later build of the game? I am not even mad- but I am saying from the standpoint of getting a good amount of info from all platforms why should Xbox get any time less for the Beta? Playstation already got early access with the Alpha.
I just love how you think you're entitled to something cause your a halo follower whoopdee -blam!-ing doo
How dare bungie try to make sure they have proper running servers for the ps users and also do what ACTIVISION tells them to do!!! I don't even like halo and I'm defending bungie.
[i]you[/i] are a disgrace to xbox kind.
Five days actually
Actually, its 5. 23-27
[quote]You where given a choice xbots, Bungie or Microsoft and you chose poorly. [/quote] To own an xbox is not to choose against Bungie, last I checked this was a multi platform game. Don't let the actions of a small, vocal minority be seen as representative of all people who happen to own an xbox, I hope you can see how that judgment wouldn't be fair.
Saying how annoying group A is a great way to start a new thread. Pro-tip if you want to make it even better why not put them all together like they're a hive-mind and call them Xbots.
I know you've been hated on a lot since you posted this I'm just hear to say in a nicer way that the reason why Bungie is only giving us four days is because this is their first game on the PS3/PS4 and want to make a good impression.... So how about we welcome the PS3/PS4 player to the BUNGIE COMMUNITY... :)
Knock knock Who's there Disgrace Disgrace who You of course!
FYI - Making a thread stating how annoying Xbox players whining over the beta is in fact (this may shock you) annoying. Users like you are just fueling this conflict even more. I feel as though most of the people spreading all this hate back and forth (Xbox vs PS fanboys) aren't even old enough to play Destiny even if it is rated T. Xbox may have been snubbed but again it's just a beta? Not like it's going to transfer over; the game is literally 2 months away. Grow up guys.
Hell yeah PS4 gang or die
The game was obviously in part funded by Sony. The real question is why, oh why, did MS drop the ball so badly. I just wonder if this idea was presented to MS for an open world Halo game and it was shot down. I don't understand what happened to be honest. At this point, just happy to get my hands on the game. After the beta, before you know it you'll be playing the game :) It really isn't that long of a wait.
Edited by LegacyOfTheAsh: 7/8/2014 12:29:28 AMYeah. They're acting like a bunch of spoiled kids that didn't get everything they wanted for Xmas but will still get the rest on their Bdays.