About what is your hype gauge reading, for this game?
I really think the title has some potential.
looks great considering they had to make the game twice from scratch before e3 this year
Edited by Ad Hoc: 6/26/2014 5:19:00 AMI'm pretty damn excited for it, but I'm worried it will get old fast. I love exploration, but even in procedurally generated worlds, everything can get redundant and boring pretty quickly. Hopefully there will be enough variabilty to keep the Galaxy fresh for a while. That, and there's been a huge lack of information on what you, the player, actually [i]Do[/i]. Thus far, we know that the main "goal" is to make your way to the center of the Galaxy; collecting materials, buying and fighting ships, and exploring along the way. That's all well and good, but I'm crossing my fingers for a more tangible representation of progression (e.g. gaining experience, choosing skills, etc). Otherwise, it could lose its charm pretty fast. Hopefully Hello Games will find the right balance-- where the player has a feeling of purpose, without sacrificing the fundamental objective, exploration.
Would only pay 10 bucks for it.
Nearly 100. It looks like the perfect game.
So excite. Can't wait till they announce how long I have to wait before the game comes out. To those interested, there's a [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Groups/Detail?groupId=99695]NMS group[/url] here on the forums. Anyone is free to join.
I hope its more then just fly planet to planet and occasionally shoot enemy ships, Which I'm expecting because its a Indie title.
I'm reading a 50 but a One release might push that up to 90.
98% with 2% reserved for "OMG this game could be utter shit if it's not done right" But mostly "OMG this looks awesome and is as original as humanly possible and may or may not change the landscape of gaming forever..."