[quote][url=http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=390114]This is my modification for Watch Dogs.
First I'm going to tell you how I started.
[i]-I'm a very obsessed person, with many things mainly graphics . Also i'm a fan of using sweetfx on every game I can use it. I like to make my own presets always.
After release and this stupid stuttering problems I started searching for fixes etc.
Then I saw many threads talking about the engine when I realized it was based on dunia 2 so I tried to unpack the files which obviously not worked.. so after searching so much for the unpacker I found it, started playing with it and after a long time of testing I ended up getting the E3 Bloom from 2012 working.
After studying how bin hex worked and downloading many tools to convert files etc, I was able to integrate and enable many effects. I told myself to keep trying and trying and that is what I have done.[/i]
This is the result of my obsession and my try to be like the greatest (iCEnhancer, MalDo, etc) those guys are genius, and I'll always say the same thing: I'm just a novice.
Enough of history
Included in this mod(not all features are available yet):
[b]-Changes to the default fog values
-Enabled bokeh DOF for the main cameras
-Stuttering Improvements
-E3 2012 Bloom
-Performance Improvements
-Enabled Headlight Shadows
-LoD Changes
-Reflection changes
-Added 3 new cameras to the game(closer, normal, further)
-Rain changes(High quality rain drops, properly reacting to light, etc)
-Lighting changes(TESTING AND WIP)
-Civilians density changes
And many more things.. SOON.[/url][/quote]
Look at all that prettiness!
Great. How long until this will be possible without a mod?