What how so? It was like microsoft 2013 e3. The exact thing sony complained about last year lol
How so? They spent 15 minutes on TV. Not 1 Hour.
Still fairly hypocritical considering last e3.
They spent a lot of time not talking about PS4 games... Then they spent a lot of time showing off multiplatform games... Then they passed a CGI trailer for a game coming in 2015 for their big wow moment, despite the fact that it was about as unexpected as a new God of War or a new Halo. This below average conference is normally a fail, but after all the shit they talked this last year, they just took the high dive into a pool with no water.
Half of the games shown at MS' event were multiplatforms.
Uncharted 4? That wasn't CGI. They showed a few exclusives. Really Microsoft showed about the same number, and a lot of multiplatform games too. I do wonder why Sony didn't show more though. They have a ton of 1st party games in development that nobody knows about. They should have at least teased 2 more or so.
Edited by Jordan: 6/10/2014 2:54:31 AMUmm...no. it was ok...some good games but Microsoft killed it
I thought you didn't like old games....the best news of e3 so far was the announcement of an old game.
Edited by WrathOfTheRoyal: 6/10/2014 3:21:30 AMYou know I never did think about it but yeah, the best news really was that collection. Even though i'm not really that interested in it because it doesn't have the Halo i mainly wanted - but the deal is unbelievable. 4 classic multiplayers Digital live action series Beta access for halo 5 1080p 60fps all at the price of $60. Wallets = mindblown. I expected all the campaigns, but the multiplayers too? A deal I may not be reaping, but a damn good one at that. I can live without it though, I don't really have too much interest replaying the trilogy or 4. Reach would have sold it for me lol. If i do buy it - it was for the beta access (343i hooked me in with the return of arbiter) or the digital series.
Are you referring to the master chief collection? I was more interested in everything else
Most of which are multi-plats...
Most of which are multi-plats...
Most of which are multi-plats...