Just a curious thought. Go ahead and answer - no poll this time around.
Edited by Naru: 5/16/2014 7:27:17 PMThey cause autism, so no.
Well, yes.
The scientific consensus is that GMO's are perfectly safe.
Edited by Vicex: 5/16/2014 7:20:53 AMOkay... can we just go ahead and establish that GMO’s are not retroviruses that effect humans and just clear that misconception out of the gate? A plant virus used to “turn on” or “turn off” a specific gene will not have any affect on a human. Anyway, Ethically it is only acceptable to genetically modify an organism if it is to serve a greater good. As someone has mentioned, Golden Rice is a good example. However, corporations that fight against [url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/20/supreme-court-monsanto_n_2720057.html]seed saving[/url] or use genetic methods to prevent the usage of seeds after a single season is unethical, and they should be sacked.
I dislike adding new DNA to food sources, by all means, let's cross breed and fortify the plants, but I'm worried about how the nutrient composition may change with modification. I haven't done much research on it, but I'm I'm favor of laws banning GMO food from being labeled as organic or natural, since it creates a safety zone for skeptics to live in lol.
I do believe that its Ok to eat Gay Men's Oranges.
[i] [/i]
Considering the monarch butterflies that ate GMO crops and plants, and practically died on the spot shooting them up to the endangered list overnight, I'm gonna go with a big tall glass of -blam!-ing NOPE.
Depends, but I'm all for golden rice.
All studies done on rats point to NO.
Idk. I eat them, I think I'm ok haha. I obviously can't speak for everybody though
Monsanto is evil.
I ate a big potato then my leg hurt gmos are bad mkay?
No. I [i]know[/i] they are.
I'm all for GMO
yes, i think they're extremely safe. they're effectively no different than the domesticated crops we use otherwise, which have been selectively bred for certain traits. it's achieving the same result, just more efficiently and with greater success.
Just to put things into perspective, "all-natural organic" corn is a man-made genetic freakshow. Same with nearly every domesticated plant and animal. There is little natural about them. For tens of thousands of years of controlling exactly which ones breed and which ones do not, we have drastically transformed their natural DNA into something that works better for us. So really, all our food is heavily genetically modified. Modern genetic manipulation simply provides a shortcut to change the genes we want quickly, rather than breeding them until we get the genes we want.
Despite the lack of long term testing, GMOs allowed the United States to quadruple it's food produce in the seventies, allowing for more people to have greater access to food, so my reasoning is that they are beneficial to society. Although if you're asking whether or not they're safe, that's still debatable because of the fact that we don't have long term testing done and the fact that some companies aren't containing them meaning that they're spreading uncontrollably all over the earth, leading to native species (which people depend upon) being wiped out. You also need to recognize that the United States is going through a health crisis in which we're over consuming unhealthy food, due in full because of the GMO technology that allowed this amount of fatty foods to be produced.
Currently? Not really. In principle? Yes. We've only been tinkering around with modern genetic engineering/modification for a few decades now and it's not really at the point where they can say 'Yes it is 100% safe for you' You have to crawl before you can walk and you have to walk before you can run, It's early days but when the techniques and GMOs are more refined and less Monsanto'd then they will be safe to eat. I wouldn't be averse to eating some GM grains/vegetables but I wouldn't actively choose to eat it.
As inhumane as it sounds, I'd like to withould judgment until we establish a controlled experiment in which an entire community is only provided GMO's for a few generations and then compare their health to a control group that were not given any.
Hell no.
Edited by CND AAA Beef: 5/15/2014 5:19:38 PMFor the last 100 years, we've been making sandwiches with genetically modified bread, having genetically modified cereal for breakfast, and drinking genetically modified beer. The one grain that all these have in common has been genetically modified since the late 1800s (at least in North America).