[url=http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/fox-news-host-megyn-kelly-says-jesus-and-santa-are-white-193322244.html]“Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn't mean it has to change. You know, I mean, Jesus was a white man, too,” Kelly said. “He was a historical figure; that's a verifiable fact — as is Santa, I want you kids watching to know that — but my point is: How do you revise it, in the middle of the legacy of the story, and change Santa from white to black?”[/url]
I love how crazy everyone gets about this shit. Why does the entire world have to concur on the race of Jesus and Santa Claus? If you want your kids/other family to know a white Jesus and Santa Claus, tell them Jesus and Santa Claus are white. There is no need to step on each others beliefs. That goes for the African American community as well. As a (technically) black citizen, I find it completely asinine to say that people need to acknowledge that Santa is black. That is not equality, that is selfishness and ignorance. Also, if we really want to get into the color of both [b]fictional[/b] characters, Jesus was born in the middle east, and it is known that he would look similar to an Arab man, and Santa Claus was born in modern day Turkey, meaning he would most likely have olive skin and be a little Arab looking. [spoiler]I say technically because I am half black, but you could never tell by looking at me. Also I understand Jesus is not a fictional character. I am speaking about radical white christmas Jesus. Lastly, did anyone see the story about the festivus pole?[/spoiler]