He took two pre-orders away from people who would have actually used them. What an asshole.
Thats what supply and demand is brotha. I did the same thing with PS4. my brother and I ended up scoring 4 between the 2 of us. They have been sold and we made about 500 bucks.
There are people on EBay with 10+ units for sale. Both Xbox and PS4. Anyone who got screwed can always hop on EBay themselves....
This isn't shit I've seen someone sell Pokemon Y on EBay for 300 bucks
Looks like you're a SteamedDragon. And I would be too.
[quote]He took two pre-orders away from people who would have actually used them. What an asshole.[/quote] You're completely retarded if you honestly think that.
Smartass is what he is, he sells them back to two people in mint condition for slightly higher price = profit.
Apparently people think this is ok...alright...same thing as micro-transactions or punching an old lady in the face, it's morally wrong. *cue the guy saying "-blam!- you I'm not restricted by stupid morals blablabla capitalism blablabla"
OP is a little child that doesn't know how the world works
I fail to see the part where he did something wrong.
Edited by Fresh Pancake: 11/23/2013 3:51:18 PM-snip-
He's smart. That's capitalism at work right there.
Just basic economics. The demand is high enough that people are willing to pay a higher price. He's not taking the Xbox ones away from anyone, it's not like he bought them just to smash them up. He's going to get those 2 systems to 2 people, but he's going to take a slice of the pie for himself. Nothing wrong with that.
Good move on his part. If he can sell.
He's smart.