so hello there senor "pendeho" i would given in to your understanding you say that Cod gives its secrets away that's grate if your a fan of things being given to you by all means it is all i say bungie like to amuse us with their little hints about the because when they release their game its going to be amazing. Now Cod might have its goods but look at its bad's you say wawa wawa we hate Cod 10 minutes later I "love this game" we'll lok at what bungie is offering before you talk because all you state is how ya young amazing kid can be brainwashed to become a arrogant senail incompitentnt kid
P.s do you even no what the true story was for Cod like CoD b.ops 2 hungh hungh exactly
mister "im stating the fact that im a SpeCiAl"
I agree guardian friend.