While I will always consider myself a child at heart, tomorrow I officially enter adulthood, turning eighteen. I've been doing a bit of thinking lately, as I tend to do for whatever reason, about the impact both Halo and Bungie have had on my life, so while you're more then free to shower me with your congratulations and gifts, I'd instead prefer to thank you, all of you, for being the most kick-ass community on the planet, and Bungie, for being simply awesome.
Halo has been a part of my life since I was seven or eight. To this day it is still my favorite video game series, and it still brings a grin to my face as if I were playing it for the first time. No other game has ever had the impact on me, in such a close way, as Halo.
You all have been part of me since I was twelve. I've grown up with the community, made a lot of friends, seen a lot of friends go, and had a lot of great memories. While it may seem silly to say, and you all might think I'm crazy, but when something has played such a role in your life from a young age, and for so long, you can't help but get a little misty eyed thinking about it. Since I was twelve this community has been a part of my daily routine, and while I may not post nearly as much as I used to (RIP 30ppd), I still think of you all just as often.
I've met community members and employees alike, and had great times with both, and been a part of some insane carnage, and while I'm still waiting for Luke to send me the steaks he owes me, I think I'll cut my ramble short and save you all from my nostalgic rant. I've been here for most of my childhood, and I plan on staying all of my adult hood. Know that when I'm cutting my cake tomorrow, there will be a slice put aside for all of you.
Nostalgia Hurts
Adulthood is much like childhood. In fact, I would go as far to say that adulthood is a myth to scare younglings into enjoying their early years. If there is such a thing as adulthood, I've not found it in myself, my parents or my late grandparents, I have yet to find a time we lose our childhood and gain an adulthood. This may just be my young mind talking however, for I too am only 18. My life has barely begun and it will last many moons more. If my short time in this world has taught me something however, it is that while we may change, the hood we bare shall not be traded. Adulthood is like cake, it's a [url=http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/euhM-GOlUR0/maxresdefault.jpg]lie[/url], a [url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/065/8/e/Admiral_Ackbar_by_quibly.png]trap[/url], a [url=http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x54/TrueX-Ray/inthepalemoonlight222.jpg]fake[/url]! May your childhood be eternal!