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originally posted in: Destiny NEEDS an "M" rating
Edited by Crimson Thomas: 10/7/2013 11:17:26 PM
The [i]entire[/i] Lord of the Rings series, books and movies, would like to have a word with you. That is one of the greatest epics written, has darkness, violence, and death, but not one ounce of profanity nor explicit violence simply because "it's gritty." I could read LOTR to my future children and the worst I would be worried about is scaring them with a part featuring a giant spider. If anything, the LOTR's story feel seems to be what Bungie is shooting for: A world with hope. To say that the ridiculous overuse of profanity is a [i]necessity?[/i] Oh, come now, surely we haven't fallen this deep into societal degradation. Battlefield 3 was [i]ruined[/i] because every single multiplayer character cursed like a fourth-grader who just learned what curse words are, and it didn't make the game more "realistic" or "gritty" in a war game. Destiny will be what it will be, and to demand that it must strive for an "M" rating simply to cater to your tastes discredits Bungie's work.

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