Why are there always threads that I can not seem to open?! [url=http://www.bungie.net/7_Facebook-status-about-premarital-sex/en/Forum/Post?id=61923316#referred-OffTopic%20%28Offtopic%29]This one for instance.[/url] Every time I try to open it, it's stuck in never ending loading limbo. This isn't the only thread, I will occasionally get other threads that refuse to load and it drives me up the God damn wall. Why is this?!
I could see how you are frustrated by this indeed. But could you provide some info, so someone may be able to better understand the problem and help out. You can fill one of these out, [url=http://www.bungie.net/en-us/Forum/Post?id=59886758&path=1] Bungie Bug Form Submission[/url]. [url=http://www.bungie.net/7_Bungienet-Information-Desk/en-us/Groups/Post?id=59830012&groupId=18405] Bungie.net Information Desk[/url] |[url=http://www.bungie.net/7_Bungienet-Community-FAQ---22013/en-us/Groups/Post?id=59855003&groupId=18405]Bungie.net FAQ[/url]|