originally posted in:Secular Sevens
What do you require an explanation of? The fact that birds have internal magnets? Or the structure of ice? You could find any of that out within five minutes on wikipedia, so I'm struggling to see what you expect other than mockery when you say "Oh, everything's just so pretty isn't god amazing". Everything's not pretty and everything's not ordered - children die because genetic mutation isn't dictated by anybody, or because they 'randomly' happen to get leukaemia. Birds fall from the sky en masse because their ecosystem gets disrupted by some minor thing. Global warming kills coral and displaces millions. For every perfectly symmetrical snowflake there are a thousand that aren't. Everything doesn't appear 'ordered' - you just think it does because of your own confirmation bias.
What I'm wondering is the creation of everything. I want to know how everything on earth became this ordered. You say it's not ordered but I can tell you that it definitely is not disordered. I think we can agree it can be a lot worse. True I'm biased but so are you it sounds like. Of course our opinions will be different and I don't see why we need to start insulting each other for it. If you don't want to talk fun that all you have to say. I'm tired anyway.
[quote]What I'm wondering is the creation of everything. I want to know how everything on earth became this ordered.[/quote] Natural selection, for one.
How does natural selection select things for inanimate objects? i just have so many questions.
What are you talking about?
Nvm I can't discuss anything right now. Sorry I have to go.
Like plants? Plants that don't have leaves to absorb enough sun or roots to gather enough water will not survive.