originally posted in:Secular Sevens
Yes, key words indeed. But if we look at the long line of could bees in our history, I'd say it's gonna get accepted (as most probable explanation) in the scientific community sooner or later. Just think of these: The lighting could be electricity, not Odin, We could have evolved instead of being created. The Earth could be billions of years old instead of 4000, the vase could have been broken by the cat, not the ghosts.
... I know lighting is electricity, I know the earth is billions of years old, what's your point?
My point is that people didn't always know this. Then science started stating what ifs and slowly the supernatural and other wrong explanations are being replased with scientific ones. This is one of those cases. We have super natural explanations and science is starting to figure out how it really could have happened.
The thing is, many scientists agree it is impossible to determine the cause of the big bang and what happened before it.
Perhaps, perhaps not. But either way, 100 years ago many scientists agreed that going to the moon would be impossible. Computer seemed like a fairy tale and cloning people was not possible. Science evolves.