I was on the PS4 website when I came across this nice video of the PS4 Eye demonstrating the Playroom, i thought it looked really good. I wanted to see how it compares to the Kinect, so i went on to the website for Xbox one. I couldn't find much on the Kinect, i thought that was odd, seeing as they're making a big deal about Kinect.
Can someone link me to a video that shows how the Kinect plays a game?
What's your opinion on the Kinect and PS4 Eye? I like the way the Eye isn't included, keeping costs down, so i can save up for it once I've heard good things about it.
I honestly was one of the few who liked the first Kinect, and I am super pumped for the next one. Kinect 2 is a pretty cool piece of tech, and even though the PS Eye is pretty cool, Kinect 2 is superior. Also we have the advantage in games with support because there is a Kinect 2 in every Xbox One.