Ask me a series of questions only someone who you think I am would know, and I will answer them to the best of my ability.
I'm tired of people thinking I'm none other than Avy or AvyWho, as I've always been.
[quote]Aren't you so kind. I'm a gurl. Our skin is a lot more sensitive then you guys' skin. :) [/quote] *Girl *than *a males skin Second, you're an embarrassment to my gender saying that. You must be the new Shadow. Not saying you are, just you have a craving to be recognized. Which is funny because this is a message board, on a Video developer's website. You should really go outside, because here it is a lot nicer. At least you can mute me, but out there, good luck muting someone in real life without coming off as a sensitive baby. Leave your ovaries at the door, we don't need breeders like you.