Sign here to signify that you survived the Darkness, and that you're not a newfgt.
You can also post a little phrase (up to 25 characters) that I will include next to your name.
--SecondClass [i]("Cyclical Votary")[/i]
--Viltre [i]("Class' Dad")[/i]
--AvatarAang [i]("Reach was the best")[/i]
--Mr Psychologist [i]("WTF - UncleRuckus")[/i]
--Ember [i]("Master of Edginess")[/i]
--Gentleman [i]("HistoryHighlight")[/i]
--A Painful Crap [i]("Craptastic")[/i]
--Mr Medicine [i]("Born from fate")[/i]
--TrippClass [i]("Dark Beast")[/i]
--Box Dweller [i]("Too sexy for his shirt")[/i]
--King PWNinater [i]("Forward Unto Dawn")[/i]
--WinyPit [i]("Help I'm stuck")[/i]
--MongotheRed [i]("Jackals in the courtyard!")[/i]
--Ned Flanders [i]("Hey-Diddly-Ho!")[/i]
--Scarekr0we [i]("the h8er")[/i]
--The Defiant Few [i]("Testicular Torsion")[/i]
--Wolf of Destiny [i]("Protect me cone!")[/i]
--Madness Reborn
--jonat1217 [i]("fapfapfapfapfap")[/i]
--The Suede Uzi [i]("Did I miss the party?")[/i]
--Vien Quitonmee [i]("Wort wort wort!")[/i]
--Funkbrotha10 [i]("You are sued.")[/i]
--TheChimichanga [i]("I am a tasty meal")[/i]
--EclipsePalix400 [i]("I'm Dog.")[/i]
--Statefarm [i]("Like a good neighbor...")[/i]
--AReallyClassyHoe [i]("Really goddamn Classy")[/i]
--M1Silencer [i]("We're not related")[/i]
--Crimson [i]("Keeping it crimson.")[/i]
--Plasma Eagle [i]("Burn bright, burn blue.")[/i]
--Durango Doug [i]("Suck it nerd")[/i]
--Superirish19 [i]("Father Ted enthusiast")[/i]
--Dangersly Awkwrd [i]("Baruk Khazâd!")[/i]
--Luneanatr [i]("I hate everyone here")[/i]
--Calamity [i]("Release The Panic")[/i]
--IslocStarkiller [i]("King of the Ozone")[/i]
--Infiltrat0rN7 [i]("Up in space fgts")[/i]
--The Disputed Bin [i]("This is sad")[/i]
--Foreveraloner [i]("feels bad man")[/i]
--NoScopeLex [i]("NoScope was involved")[/i]
--Simseo [i]("The last Floodian.")[/i]
--Swat [i]("Mythical Wolf")[/i]
--Roach [i]("King of Monsters")[/i]
--Big Boss [i]("For the Republic!")[/i]
--TDubbz [i]("Rada Rada Rada")[/i]
--IjustTookABruce [i]("HUEHUEHUE")[/i]
--EMPeace [i]("CHEESE FOR EVERYONE!!")[/i]
--DeclinedA01 [i]("N'yuk N'yuk N'yuk!")[/i]
--BanjoKazooie0 [i]("Meow PEW PEW")[/i]
--xxstrongbeer [i]("Ya -blam!-")[/i]
--Capt Beans [i]("You can trust me")[/i]
--Teh Elk [i]("The silph will rise")[/i]
--Blonic [i]("I do blocaine.")[/i]
--Euphorius [i]("Wakka wakka wakka")[/i]
--Invisible [i]("Acquire currency.")[/i]
--OneToughGuy [i]("I bench 210.")[/i]
--Flash [i]("Halo is dead")[/i]
--Ovoz Daycare
--Silentone2 [i]("Mythickdick")[/i]
--Cart of Onions [i]("Energy never dies.")[/i]
--Barking Spider [i]("We'll bang, ok?")[/i]
--DarkONI [i]("Never forget")[/i]
--Meursault [i]("Thank you basedgod")[/i]
--ManliestMan [i]("I am life, I'm death.")[/i]
--Bobby Hill [i]("I SO am hard")[/i]
--Falerin [i]("Banhammer Licker")[/i]
--Jump Into Hell [i]("flud wuz heer")[/i]
--Random [i]("Blueperior")[/i]
--Bradllez [i]("Fgt.")[/i]
--Enclave Soldier [i]("I'm creeping death.")[/i]
--Adam the Fondre
--Communist Agenda [i]("I'm feeling lucky!")[/i]
--A Metroid
--Elegiac [i]("...")[/i]
--jjj205 [i]("FACKER!")[/i]
--Shadroxon [i]("Welcome to die.")[/i]
--VArAs22 [i]("The Last of the Real")[/i]
--Player3Th0mas [i]("I love bacon!")[/i]
--Nick Saban [i]("I'm a winner")[/i]
--Dare [i]("Grossly incandescent")[/i]
--Adamal123 [i]("I still miss my blue hat.")[/i]
--Cameo Cream [i]("The last biscuit")[/i]
--Yuga Khan [i]("Ruler of Apokolips")[/i]
--DarkestSeptagon [i]("The HELL you are!")[/i]
--superaz Roberts
--Chotato [i]("Who?")[/i]
--Creeper [i]("fapping to your girl")[/i]
--FlameA24 [i]("Yes")[/i]
--Major Enigma [i]("Memento Mori")[/i]
--Wars0ngGlutch [i]("Who ate my Snausages?")[/i]
--MarkFanous [i]("The Real Superman")[/i]
--Sigma617 [i]("Ez megszakad a szívem")[/i]
--HeyMrWonderful [i]("Momantai friend")[/i]
--Braydzz [i]("Haruhiism <3")[/i]
--A Stolen Fruit [i]("Peppy 16 year old')[/i]
--Camnator [i]("Be Real")[/i]
--A Cheese Potato [i]("Who was phone?")[/i]
--Arashi Sora [i]("Why can't I ever leave?!?")[/i]
--Frost [i]("The Lone Wanderper")[/i]
--TehHaloz [i]("But... Lasers.")[/i]
-- Chotato Who?