Dude, the majority of people on 4chan aren't socially awkward like this place. Don't make comparisons you know nothing about. This place isn't anything like 4chan. This website is just a bunch of socially awkward people.
*sigh* the flood has [b]always [/b]been a fat-pasty, socially awkward, lazy, and unfunny version of /b/... :/
..... Wow I did not think about that till know.....well this site just got more awkward.
whats 4chan?
So glad I don't know those modern tourtre places
This is nowhere near 4Chan. Not even close. If all the girls were either underage or secretly guys, THEN we'd be closer to 4Chan.
True but most of use have been on 4chan so is that really surprising?
Note he said 4chan [b]Jr.[/b] Meaning no where near as bad but we could very possibly go down that route.
My god you just described it perfectly. My small time in this forum had only a sliver of the old bnet.
sigh* Threads are not nearly as entertaining anymore.