Boom. Science. Atoms. Hells yeah.
News Article explaining how it's done. [url=]Sauce[/url]
We are playing god
formal experimental film; similar to Mothlight
Beyond awesome.
This will seem like baby steps in 50 years, [url=]like the first singing computer[/url]
Every movie is made with atoms... Just saying.
This gives me hope for humanity again.
1:34 it became his dick LEL
*gives the boy a hammer* *boy smashes atom*
Did IBM upload 22 videos on the same day just to prove that they could?
If any of you are interested, here is a BBC article explaining the video and how it was made.
If those are individual atoms then what is the backround? empty space?
This I like. *continues to have science boner*
That was awesome.
I thought we didn't yet have technology capable of zooming in that far?
This should win Oscars. EVERY Oscar.
lol how cute.