I live in Alabama, which is close to the edge of the water and close to N. Korea. So what if they drop it here since they want it to hit fast as it can?
Help Flood! :'(
Mediocre troll is mediocre.
If North Korea is serious, then the cities they'll be aiming for will be bigger than anything in Alabama, like CrazzySnipe55. They'll want to cause much more ruckus, such as New York, L.A. and most importantly the White house. And with that said, do they even have nuclear technology? If a missile hits America, it'll be for the big cities, and it won't be nuclear. To put it simple, you're not a target for N.Korea
Watch out, OP.
The hell! I am closer to North Korea. I live in Arizona! I win!
1. North Korea is on the OTHER water. You're fine. 2. Most people doubt they can even reach California, though they may be in line to start the second huge US war via an attack on Hawaii. 3. Even if they could hit the US, they'd aim for a major city. Mobile is cool and all, but it's a gas station and a general store compared to LA, New York, DC, Philly, Chicago (ie places where shit occurs and lots of people live).
Don't worry, I will be in Alabama next week to launch rockets back at them.
Don't worry, their missiles suck.
Well if they do hit Alabama nothing of value will be lost.
*leaves thread*