I mean look at the facts.
They carry milk similar to a cow.
They poop.
They talk.
And they even have to wipe after they pee! How gross is that?
I mean why do they exist? They're gross and mean. Thanks Obama.
Discuss these gross creatures.
They have vaginas. Vaginas are amazing.
Ewww! Cooties! Gross!
How about female Sangheili?
OP you will pay for your insolence!
The OP is an awful beta. So what are your excuses?
Edited by darkcrusader117: 3/20/2013 2:05:34 AMand whats the deal with airline food?
[quote]Thanks Obama.[/quote] inorite? dat cootie lover married agurl!!!!!1111!!!!
[quote] wipe after they pee[/quote]wat
They don't HAVE to wipe after they pee and some men wipe after they pee as well.
i think you just made this thread so you can talk to the ladies.
[quote][b]KittenStrangler[/b][/quote] I'm a dog kinda guy anyway...
Never trust anything that bleeds for a week and doesn't die.
Fun Fact: The Bubonic Plague was actually cooties.
Males are capable of lactating, actually.
Edited by Saleem: 3/20/2013 2:06:06 AMPersonally, I think these things are more revolting. Not by much though, not by enough.
you strangle kittens so im not even going to acknowledge what you have to say.