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2/4/2013 6:49:38 AM

Google street view hit by IED

[url=]leaving 2 dead[/url] [quote]KANDAHAR, AFGHANISTAN - The Global War on Terror claimed new casualties this week, though the victims were not Afghan civilians or U.S. military personnel. Two American civilians were killed and one wounded when their Google Street View Prius triggered an IED while driving the streets of southern Afghanistan. With the much-publicized U.S. pullout from Afghanistan looming on the horizon, the State Department had urged American businesses and private investors to continue to support the fledgling democracy. Touting a decrease in violent attacks across the nation, the White House had encouraged U.S. mapping companies to update their Afghanistan databases, giving greater access and understanding about the third-world nation to the rest of the world. Google was the first company to respond, sending a team to begin street level input in the major southern Afghan city of Kandahar, once called the heartland of the Taliban, and still home to over 40,000 U.S. and Coalition military personnel actively engaged in combat operations. “Our mission with Google Street View has always been to show people places that they would never get off their lazy ass and be able to see otherwise,” said Robert Smith, a spokesman for the company. Unfortunately for the mapping team, led by veteran Google employee John Volstead, the country was not nearly as quiet or subdued as the US government had led them to believe. [/quote] I am curious to see if Google is going to stop mapping out Kandahar or find another employee and continue.
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  • Gotta map Afghanistan? SEND A PRIUS! Google, take a note from the Army's book. Use Up Armored HMMWVs with V hulls. There is a reason why we made them. Or use the [url=]MRAPs[/url]. We built Mine Resistant vehicles for a reason. But NOOOOO, send a -blam!-ing Prius. Bet the Hadji was laughing his ass off when he set off the IED.

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