The array of forums, subforums & groups we had before; all lined up in an easy to use, clear, coherent fashion were wonderful. It was easy to simply click on Community, The Flood, Halo 1 PC etc & it would all be there, in a standardized forum way. For me, at least, the way that the forums worked (i.e. as a catagorised thing, not like this tumblr/twitter thing we have now) was one of the key reasons that I kept flocking back to use BNet.
As I say, it looks great, it looks futuristic & it looks clean. However, it doesn't feel anywhere near as usable as BNet previously was. Perhaps I'm just reluctant to change.
I do love the tagging though, that aspect of this definitely works well.
Anybody agree? If so, what's your major gripes & likes?
Edited by derka derka: 1/10/2013 8:18:45 PMI'm not a fan. It looks nice besides the white. Too bright. The lack of real forums is the biggest issue I have. I also hate how the newest reply to a thread is the first reply we see.